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Whenever a sailor spots a ship on the horizon sporting a Jolly Rodger with a skull and ribs, but no arm or leg bones, they know to pray that the wind carries them away from the dread pirate Morgan de Roquefort, the amputee queen of the seven seas. When Morgan began her pirate career, she and her crew suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Annie Blackboots, one of the most notorious pirates of her day. During their duel on the burning wreckage of Morgan’s ship, Annie’s cutlass sliced off Morgan’s sword hand and cut her leg to the bone. Thanks to her first mate’s quick action, Morgan survived and managed to escape, though she would later lose the leg below the knee due to infection. Morgan had been defeated, but she would be back.

She healed her wounds, attaching a hook and peg leg to her stumps and slowly began rebuilding her crew. It took some doing, but within a couple years, Morgan was back on the high seas, and she wanted revenge. She ambushed Annie’s pirate fleet, sinking the bulk of it and taking Annie captive. As punishment for the limbs the defeated pirate had taken from her, Morgan had her ship’s doctor remove Annie’s arms and legs completely. During the day, Morgan had Annie’s limbless body strapped to the bow of her ship as a living masthead, and at night she would bring the once proud pirate back into her quarters and taunt her, using her own arm stump to stroke the sensitive places where limbs had once been.

Before too long, though, this taunting turned into something else. Morgan would use her remaining hand to finger the helpless quad, and force Annie to lick her. At first, Annie resisted, but soon she gave in. She wasn’t broken, but the pirate knew that escape was impossible, given her circumstance. A life as an object of pleasure, she reasoned, was better than being exposed the sun and salt as a masthead. Morgan had grown fond of her new limbless plaything, and the next time she did battle with a rival, a young but notorious Chinese pirate known as Yue the Yellow Shark, she had her doctor remove her limbs as well. When Morgan’s fleet intercepted a wealthy flotilla before it was able to reach safe harbor, she had the young Duchess Elizabeth Skytte taken aboard her flagship along with the rest of the loot. Then, Elizabeth’s arms and legs were completely cut off. The prim and proper lady had become a limbless sex object, no different from fellow members of Morgan’s harem. Morgan’s harem grew still, and she added a member with almost every major campaign of plunder her fearsome crew embarked on. Rival pirates, marine officers, and a few more noble ladies all joined Morgan’s limbless pleasure cabal, and women of the seas grew to fear the sight of her ship more than any other.

Though Morgan has an undeniably cruel streak running through her, she takes care of things and people that make her happy. Whether members of her harem are considered the former or the later is up to how they behave. Some former captains or high-class women have a hard time adjusting to being helpless under Morgan — sometimes literally. Those that resist Morgan too much can always find themselves serving turns as the masthead. Others have found some sort of peace and acceptance of their lot. After a little time passed since her amputations, Duchess Elizabeth found she actually liked her new depraved life. Elizabeth is the most eager member of Morgan’s harem, and when a new amputated girl is added to the collection, Elizabeth lustfully scoots over to welcome them. Now, when the sun passes below the horizon line during nights at sea, Morgan returns to her lavish quarters, befitting of a pirate queen. She takes off her fearsome hook and massages the sump of her arm before entering the room where her harem resides.

Some of the amputees are still resentful or scared of her, but others are eager to see their queen. Morgan runs her stump down one of the newer girl’s body, grazing against her breasts and traveling down to rub against her sex. The girl’s limbless torso squirms. Morgan kneels down to kiss the girl. In a past life, she had been a promising rookie pirate captain. Now, she was part of Morgan’s crew. Morgan lies down on the floor of the room, which she’d had adorned with fine fabrics and pillows. The good girls in her harem wiggle their limbless bodies to be near her so they can pleasure their queen — and, maybe, have her pleasure them.

Idea from @JG

Took me a long time to do it, but I think the result is rather ok... maybe would have needed more girls?




It's lovely! The three girls, with their different attitudes, gives a good indication of the harem.

Cafter Homme

Really well-done story! Glad to have you back! :)


just wonder who is annie and who is the duchess