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Hello everyone!

Still have a hard time to draw once per week, but it's getting better :) Truth to be told, I might quit my job soon (because it goes on my health and I find it too... senseless) so I might have more time for Patreon for a while (and my only source of income ^^")

So thanks again for your support! I dunno if I can become a full-time artist, but I'll try !

On that point, as I have a tad of backlog (sorry again!) and since many patreons told me about it, it might be interesting to do a rehaul of the $10 pledge:

-Instead of Art Raffle, we could have a clear monthly randmoly choosen winner who will have his pic done + one lineart for a Art Raffle

What do you think?

(oh, and pic is a gift to MiKeySK)




She is adorable! 😍


Well It could be nice for the random chosen winner but I also think that the others should have their idea done(in black and white for example). Which also means that maybe you should select less people per month if it means too much work for you. Now you select 5 people right, let's say you select the random winner and then 2 other ones for lesser quality, which would mean 3 people per months but all get their idea done in some way. And then of course for next month the same people cannot be taken again(until everyone got a pic once), which would give each 10$ patron their chance to get something. And if a winner doesn't respond to you after some days then you pick someone else. It's just an idea of course.^^


Seems like a good idea to me

A. Hallister

Fine by me, since it means having to rely only on the raffle, not also winning the popularity contest, but I'm okay with whatever system you set up.


Gamma! You're back, buddy. And so are the quads, Gluck w the raffle. I might do the same w my monthly poll thing as I get up to 25 entries, and it's hard to choose, really. I can't let those awesome ideas go to waste!