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Hi there!

Sorry for being silent during the last days, but I got some back issues and doctors told me not to sit for 2 weeks. So I used that time to go visit family ^^"

Anyway, I'm back, and I'd like you to decide who should have his/her idea drawn! I know I'm a bit in a backlog, but heh, I'll defenitely draw those! :)

I only got 2 replies so far on the 5 candidates... I'll send new messages to substitues and have them fill in if no answers by next monday.

PS: check that ass!




I like her. But it be cool if there was a 4 legged SWB girl out there


lookit dem legs! >:3


It's not something you're going to need surgery for is it?


Hmm, I wonder if Gamma doing girls with 4 limbs, but not the right ones, is going to become a trend. As for SWBs, not my thing, but I still think it's a shame we have yet to see one with some rocking Zettai Ryouki. What better fanservice to use with a girl that's all leg?