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Sooo..... Looks like I was gone for too long -___- Sorry again guys!

What about picking up 5 top-backers.... without polls: I'll try to draw whatever they propose (given they stay reasonable) : take it as a sort of a free commish.

Here are the 5 winners:
-Steve Tarone
-Winston Em - a girl "cut in half" somehow... she can control her legs but she's not connected to them.
-Alex Landeros
-JG - An amputee pirate queen and her harem of limbless victims
-Astrid M

Please comment or send me a mail about what you want me to draw!!




Who? :p I would have suggested next couple of months just draw the top TWO poll votes but I guess this works.


Woah! Hey, it's me! Vocal! :D


Messaged you!