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Guess becoming a limbless torso is the new trend... or not? Still, living a normal life with this shape can be hard, but who knows, maybe they're doing just fine ?

Some work hard to stay fit, doing hundreds abs everyday, some try to do their jobs properly and some try to be proper mothers...

I wonder what are their reasons or situations to end up that way ?

At least they make perfect pillows!




So the holes are for food and breathing I'm guessing.


I have been working on writing stories of a future dystopia where most of humanity struggles to compete with robotics and automation for relevance and survival in a world controlled by an unimaginable wealthy and powerful elite that lives in inconceivable luxury in walled cities. Such bodily modifications, as those shown above, are all the fashion among the abjectly wealthy, where being unable to function independently of servants and expensive robots is a sign of prestige. The more incapable you are of real work, the more you are respected and seen as a success story. Inversely, the vast majority have severe bodily alterations in order to compete for survival within a privatized world where labor machines prevail, albeit at high cost. The poor sell themselves (or lease their useful years) to corporations who surgically and genetically alter them into cyborgs, human-animal hybrids, and mutant forms to perform as single-purpose disposable, cheaper alternatives to automatons, all for the promise of a safe life beyond the lawless, unregulated, polluted world outside of the utopian cities. It's a world where dehumanization is both the pinnacle of success and the depths of servitude. These torso's are exactly the sort of alteration the insanely wealthy of my world would aspire to!


Hum hum, rendering yourself helpless for social status and prestige? Quite interesting!


Where do their brains go? :o


I always thought that was a neat idea. Those of high social status rely on servants anyway, so why do they even need limbs. I have this idea in my head about a monarchy where the daughters have their arms removed at birth and on ascension to the throne their legs are removed as well, and higher standing in the family and society as a whole is indicated by shorter, more helpless stumps