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"Privates, you are not all going to die. Only two percent of you right here today would be killed in a major battle. Others might get injuries, sometime serious, but I am a clear example that those can be overcome. Everyone of you is scared in their first action. If they says they're not, they're a goddamn liar. I was too when i first realized I was missing my legs on the battlefield. But the real heros are the ones who fights even though they's scared. Some will get over their fright in a minute under fire, some take an hour, and for some it takes days. But the soldiers never let their fear of death overpower their honor, their sense of duty to their country. I expect from all of you to follow my example and to keep your fighting spirit!"

What a speech! She makes a good major for her brigade, though it seems her never-standing-down policy incurs lots of limb losses among her privates.

She's quite strong-willed, and proud of each of her battle injuries, but the truth is that she kinda enjoy the helplessness... Her aide is a good caretaker, but also quite a lover who knows how to push her buttons ^^




This is one where I'd love a dress-up version; you've got half the faces made already.