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Crunch time for me with offline responsibilities, so updates and all may be scarce!

PLEASE hold all commission update inquiries until after May 7, 2021 (about two weeks).

I will be around, but I won’t be able to work on much art.

If this is an issue, I am in a position to offer COMMISSION refunds if you don’t want to wait any longer.

But I WILL be posting content as I have it. I don’t anticipate stopping drawing small things.

NOW THAT SAID. I will be allowing patreon to charge for this upcoming month as usual, on 5/1/2021.

HOWEVER TO MAKE UP FOR SLOWED PROGRESS. I will be PAUSING it the following month, 6/1/2021, as I don’t anticipate putting out as much work.


***So keep up your subscription if you want a free month of access/content after this next***

During the paused month I will be posting art as normal and opening up sales and deals on discord as usual if applicable.

The TL:DR:

* I will not be available for work until after May 7.

* Patreon will be charging you as normal on 5/1/2021

* I will be PAUSING payment processing for 6/1/2021 to make up for the two week absence. You will get a free month of content.

* If you stay subscribed you will be charged on 7/1/2021 as normal unless things change.

* If this applies to you: if you’re tired of waiting on your commission let me know and I will refund you the difference in progress.

Any questions on this, please let me know!

Thank you!! And thanks again for all your support <33
