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So, I had to clear out my procreate clipboard because it was so beefy. So here’s a bunch of sketches that didn’t quite make it, but I still like enough to show.

ALSO. if anyone wants to see any of these completed, comment below! I’d be more than happy to finish them for folks if there’s demand! 




You know I am always up for more demonverse stuff so that would be neat to see


#1 looks very striking! The distance of the city, the wreckage on the shore, how small Hexa (I hope I got that right) is in comparison to the windows and empty hallway they're in really sell a sense of loneliness and isolation. #6 also gives a bit of the lonely vibe but the couch, general environmental clutter, and closer buildings make it feel a bit more cozy. So instead of isolation it has more of a gives more of a longing feel to it. The other two I really like are 4 and 8. #4 is very sweet and #8 a classic Vyxxy gag.