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We're just three weeks into Charm School and I'm thrilled that I can finally tell you about my inspiration and design process for our first pattern: the Charm School Uniform! 

Be sure to join me THIS SATURDAY, January 27th, at 12 p.m. EST for the Charm School Uniform Crowdcast! I'm going to talk about coming up with the Charm School theme, why this classic pinafore dress is the perfect pattern to start the year off with, and how we're excited to bring you new lessons on how to expand your skills at every level each month.

I'll be posting a direct link to the Crowdcast later this week, so keep an eye out for that! It will also be recorded for those who can't make it this month. 

Please note that if this time doesn't work for you, I will be rotating the times and days regularly throughout the year! Not sure how EST converts to your local time? Click here or the time above for a time zone converter. 





Heather Lennox-Robertson

I can do 6am on Sunday I guess. Good thing its a long weekend here in Auckland, New Zealand

Dana McKenzie

whoo hoo another 4am in Melbourne - just me and the doggies if I wake them up