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Hello, lovelies!

There appears to be a widespread Patreon billing issue this month, affecting all creators and many patrons (especially patrons outside of the US).

I’m in contact with Patreon to have this sorted out ASAP and to get our affected patrons back to their original tier pricing. We will not be releasing any important patterns or goodies until this is resolved.

If you believe you have been affected, please send an email to support@charmpatterns.comto let us know (so I can work from my end to make sure you get reinstated) AND also send an message to Patreon support (as they are really the only ones able to do the reinstating) at https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

I'm so sorry to everyone who has been touched by this! It's a hassle, but please know we'll make it right.




Hi Charm, do you intend to remediate this issue or are you hoping people get sick of asking and fighting and just suck it up? The continued silence is incredibly disappointing. You are slighting a large number of loyal customers. The tier pricing matters need to be restored. I’m still being charged above the agreed price as are many others. A formal response would be very much appreciated. As countless emails have gone unanswered.


I also still have this problem after sending multiple messages to Charm and Patreon.