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Hi everyone! It's been a while and I can't wait to catch up with you. Here’s the invite for the troop meeting on Zoom. I'll see you at 5PM ET!

Gertie is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 850 8470 1730
Passcode: 528157

Is this your first Zoom event? We can’t wait to meet you! Here’s some general info about these events:

What do I need to do?

You will need to have a zoom account and have it downloaded to your computer device. Please have your computer video and audio enabled if you would like to share.

How will it work?

This is a casual virtual hang out. The idea is that we will all be sewing and hanging out, but it will be carefully organized to minimize any chaos and noise. I will give a little talk about what I’m working on and then we will open the floor to others. If you would like to share what you are working on, you will have three minutes to talk. We will go in a circle in this fashion. You will be on mute unless you are called on to minimize background noise and whirring of machines. Unfortunately there’s no time to answer questions about your projects, this is primarily a social event. Please note the zoom meetings are not recorded out of respect for the privacy of attendees.

No pressure!

This is informal. So if you’re just working on hand having a dress on your couch in your pajamas, that’s totally fine! You can be selling or needing whatever project you like. And no pressure to share if you just want to hang out. We will be making use of the raise your hand feature on zoom so you won’t be put on the spot unexpectedly.






It’s kind of a shame that there’s no longer a zoom or Crowdcast option for those of us who don’t embrace the “scout” cosplay thing and don’t want to have to make a costume and play scout dress up for this Patreon benefit. Just a friendly suggestion.


Is there a difference between these troop meetings and the Crowdcast, which is recorded? I’m fairly new here. They both seem to be on at the same time. Also, I live in Australia - the time conversions make my head explode, even with the aid of the internet, so just wondering if you could please use DAY, DATE AND TIME in future to all live events. I know it’s a simple act of cross checking, but my brain doesn’t work like that, it just goes in knots, second guesses itself, then explodes 🤯😂. Thank you x


The troop meeting is just a fun name, it's still the same format as it was when it was called the zoom sewing circle. You don't have to wear anything Camp Gertie related, infact most people are working on totally different things from each other, some even knit, some just watch, you don't even have to show what you are working on. It's just a chance to talk to people with the same interests in a really cool and relaxed place, to me it is like catching up with friends and putting faces to names that you see chatting on the livestreams that's all. You should come along and see. I know some people don't like the camp gertie thing but it really doesn't come into the sewing circle, as far as the crowdcast it only features as a scout thing when the pattern that month is part of the camp gertie theme, it isn't every month but i find it fun and i like to find fun in life because it's not always easy.