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Hello campers! I wanted to give you some updates on merit badge shipping for this month and going forward. A few things: 

  • Please make sure your address is up to date and complete in your Patreon profile! Many patrons have incomplete shipping info, which will result in your badge being returned to us. 
  • Shipping timeframe: going forward, our goal is to have the merit badges shipped by the middle of each month. This first month has been a bit of a learning curve, and we are unfortunately running behind. (I know we'll get it down to a science within a few months!) All March pants badges will be shipped by the end of this month. I apologize for the delay! 
  • Badges are shipped 1st class mail, which does not include tracking and can take up to 3 weeks depending on your location. We are more than happy to assist you if three weeks have passed and you have not received your badge! Please email support@charmpatterns.com.

Please let me know if you have any questions! We're so excited for you to get your badges. 






So over the moon. Just received my very first badge and I am in Australia!!!!! It makes me feel really a part of something. Thanks so much.


Just received mine on Friday in Canada. So cute and VERY exciting! Hopefully my camp Gertie badges get here soon!