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Hi all! Can't wait to sew with you tonight! Europeans, I expect to see you in your jammies for a slumber party theme. Aussies, bring your morning coffee and Vegemite toast (?). We EST-ers will just be getting off work for the week so bring your favorite cocktail hour beverage. (West coasters, knock off work a little early and join us ;) It's a small world after all when we have a global sewing circle! 

Here's all the info you need to join:

Topic: November Sewing Circle 
Time: Nov 20, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 6783 5889
Passcode: 539379

Is this your first sewing circle? We can't wait to meet you! Here is somegeneral infoabout these events:

What Do I Need to Do?

You will need to have a Zoom account and have it downloaded to your computer.  You will receive a link on the day of the Zoom. Please have your computer video and audio enabled.

How Will It Work?

This is a casual virtual hangout.  The idea is that we will all be sewing and hanging out, but it will be carefully organized to minimize any chaos and noise. I will give a little talk about what I'm working on and then we will open the floor to shares. If you would like to share what you're working on, you will have 3 minutes to talk. We will go in a circle in this fashion. You will be on mute unless you are called on (to minimize background noise and the whirring of machines). Unfortunately, there is no time to answer questions about your projects; this is primarily a social event. Please note that Zoom meetings are not recorded or shared out of respect for the privacy of attendees.

No Pressure!

This is informal. So if you're just working on hand hemming a dress on your couch in your pajamas, that's totally fine! You can be sewing or knitting whatever project you like. And no pressure to share if you just want to hang out. We will be making use of the "raise your hand" feature on Zoom so you won't be put on the spot unexpectedly.





I’ll be wearing my slightly unfinished Harlows.


... but I have made my friend’ Christmas gift ... Harlow Pyjamas. Just finishing them now.