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The start of the Kyle confrontation is out. The intro's currently done but then it skips past the fight and just lets you pick how you want to transform Kyle. There'll be other non-transformation options available once it's all finished (like with Mr. Maywood's confrontation) but I wanted to get something out there for now. The clips for the contract content are also in the folder, and they'll be implemented in the update tomorrow night, along with some of the other Heather/Nikki/Suzie content that wasn't finished from their green light.

EDIT (.311b): This update finishes the meaner engagement path for the two current Kylie routes. I'm going to later add a third route that's much nicer for those that are eager for one that's more in line with Kyle's friendship stuff from earlier in the game, but where he's still Kylie instead. For now, though, it's still a smaller update that just covers the engagement while setting up some stuff for other paths.

EDIT (.311c): This update addresses some typos and finishes up the various single-target engagements from the Heather/Nikki/Suzie path. There'll be more on Sunday night, but I'm not sure yet if it'll be the rest of the missing Math class paths or more of Kyle's stuff (either way it'll all get finished in time).

EDIT (.312a): This update finishes the various starter paths for the Kyle fight and then includes the Kylie 'nice' transformation route (alongside the already completed meaner routes). The "Kyle wins" stuff is coming soon, and I still need to finish the nice contract stuff as well (that'll be tomorrow).

EDIT (.313a): This update finishes off all of Kylie's routes, including her nice contract stuff and what happens if you willingly or unwillingly lose to Kyle. I still need to finish off the remaining Heather/Nikki/Suzie contract variations but that'll be out tomorrow along with the Rio/Monica apprentice scene probably.

EDIT (.313b): This update finishes off all of the remaining Heather/Nikki/Suzie contract variations, meaning that Math is now completely finished. The Rio/Monica stuff that I mentioned before is also on track to get done tomorrow, then Friday will be the start of the next scene potentially involving Ward, Nadir, Katey, and Mrs. Ward.
.313a UPDATE ONLY (Download this if you have .300a or higher already!)

.313b HTML ONLY (Download only if you have .313a FIRST!!!)

Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .300b ALL FILES pack from this post.

Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.    

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '205'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.     

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



So, usually im just speedrunning the game and I skip most of the text (sorry~, i'm not a big reader). but like yesterday i wanted to actually read the story, which is actually amazing and i came across a writing mistake on Tuesday, august 6th, where Rio confronts you at night about Monica and kidnapping. After you confess that you have abilities as well, she says: "If you what you said is true...". Which i think is a mistake, but idk, i might just be dumb. Big Also, I really enjoy the story, you're the best! Your style of writing makes me actually want to read more. Ohh, the next page has "What a minute — How the hell did she get your number?" Maybe what is suppossed to be wait.

Bob Obo

I might be weird but I feel like the occasional plot oversight/typo feeds into the overall “fever dream” vibe that the game has (I mean that in a positive way though lol)


Can't figure out how to get the game running using Mega App. I have the all files and update only downloaded but I don't know how to combine them together. They each open the game without images displayed. I'm on Android. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?


Hey, thanks! I actually have a channel on the discord server specifically for reporting typos, but I'll make a note of these.

Kevin Daley

Your missing the full download folder most likely. This mega link and the ones before were all just for the update not the full release. The full release is at the beginning of the new version but as that’s prity barried right now just go to f95zone and download the full release from there. Then get the most recent release from here and copy and paste it into the full release folder.


Is the All Files Pact not the full release? It's almost 3 g and has alot of files. How do you copy and paste it? I couldn't copy the update at all until I created a new empty file. I thrn moved the All Files Pact in there and tried to copy the update pact into it. But that did was give me a copy in the file so that they are next to each other. I tried to copy and replace again but it only copy and replaces the copy of the update pack.


It says I do not have enough energy to use heater/nikkis green light despite the fact that I do have enough energy. Is there something im missing here?


I just looked over it again and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. If you're on the discord server, send me a copy of the save file and I can see if there's something I'm missing.


So I went through the game and I cant ineract with any green lights, somehow my green level is 20 so that might be the source of the problem


Seeing errors with some of Jill's images. When you bimbofy her during Barberry's class in the second week and also during the conversation with Sydney on the Saturday?


"the various single-target engagements from the Heather/Nikki/Suzie path" - I only can get the super engagement with all. Is that supposed to be like that? my game is on .311c


Whoops, I had done the separate engagements in an "else" statement when I meant to just lock the "engage all" option behind a variable. That'll be fixed in the next update.


I'll make a note for this, sometimes I use placeholders and then forget to add new ones to the potential lineup. It might not get fixed in the next update, but it'll be on my radar now.


What are the chances of getting to play with Nadir soon?


Her and Ward are on the dev map next, so by the end of the week they should start having stuff pop up.