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As mentioned last month, December's poll is a big one:

What game idea should I work on after College Daze is completed?

This poll will end on December 23rd. Keep in mind that after the results from this month, work will continue primarily on College Daze. I might release a small demo at some point for the next game, just so we can start gathering ideas/requests/new dev map for that after College Daze is done. 

With that little disclaimer out of the way, here's an outline of each idea, so you have a better idea of what you're voting on. Some of these ideas are smaller scale while others would be more involved multi-year projects (like College Daze).

All ideas will follow the same design philosophy as College Daze, including presentation and covered interests.

Neo Noir -- Work with corporations as a fixer, navigating a web of mystery and betrayal that involves your own family. Longer-form game.  

Dead Again - Guide a caravan of people to safety in a desolate wasteland with urban districts infested by mutants and zombies. Longer-form game.

Lost and Found -- Island survival game. A cruise with family friends ends in disaster when the ship crashes on a mysterious island. Investigate the mystery while trying to survive against supernatural events, including encounters with the local natives. Longer-form game. 

A New Year -- Time loop game where you keep going back to the start of a New Year's party. Every time you complete key actions, unlock permanent changes to the other characters that you can mix and match in future loops. For instance, once you've messed with your buddy's head enough, you might start the next loop to discover that they're now a woman. Short-form game. 

Therapeutic -- You act as the therapist for a wide range of different patients and help to guide them each week to behave in different ways, shaping the kind of person that they'll ultimately become. Short-form game. 

Lawmaker -- Post-apocalyptic game. You have suddenly been granted the rank of overseer in an underground bunker after an intense nuclear war. With this power comes responsibility, but also the ability to dictate what life in the shelter will be like -- including any bizarre experiments you might want to run on the population (as with the vaults in Fallout games). Short-form game.

Aphrodisia -- Play as the modern tyrannical leader of the island nation Aphrodisia. Live like a king while the peasants toil beneath your feet. Play political with rivals and foreign nations, including your powerful neighbors, which are forced to tolerate your presence due to the stability you bring to the region. Longer-form game. 

Monster Mash -- When you're bitten by a vampire, your life changes radically. Just as you start to get used to life as a vampire, though, you discover that you're a bit more unique than the others. You gain the ability to feed on a person's life force, granting you not just sustenance, but a taste of their powers as well. Use your newfound powers to turn the tide against other supernatural creatures. A werewolf isn't as scary once you can transform into one too. Longer-form game. 

Olympus -- You were living a normal life until one day you learn that you're the modern-day avatar of the god of dreams. Now, other avatars are being picked off one by one and you're being hunted yourself. Find the others, find who's responsible, and put a stop to it before you're next. Longer-form game. 

Game Master -- Wake up in the middle of a sadistic game hosted by a mysterious figure. If you and the other 'guests' want to survive, you'll have to follow the game's rules. There's just one twist: YOU'RE actually the one responsible! Come up with tasks and then decide whether you'll help or hinder the others, all while protecting your dirty secret (or revealing it at the very end). Short-form game. 

Show Time -- Similar to Game Master, only you wake up to find yourself on an alien reality tv show similar to something like Big Brother or Survivor. Play against the other contestants for a chance at a life of total luxury. Beware, though, because each 'episode' will include all kinds of wacky challenges that might just involve people from your past. Do well in objectives and sabotage your rivals, or help them to win in the hopes that they'll return the favor once they're at the top. Short-form game. 

Moneybags -- When a rich older man dies and leaves you a ton of money, you're suddenly the one in charge. With strict stipulations on how the money can be spent, everyone else will have to follow your lead for the next year or potentially face financial ruin. Longer-form game. 

Reunion -- You were once part of a team of superheroes, but all that changed years ago. Now, the group is brought together after a supervillain breaks out of maximum security prison. Can your team forgive each other for the mistakes of the past in time or will you all be doomed to suffer the consequences? Longer-form game. 

The Deck -- When you buy a deck of playing cards from a magic shop, you don't think anything of it. When you and your friend's family sit down to play with them, though, you quickly realize this isn't any ordinary deck. You'll have to finish the game or risk the consequences, and no two playthroughs will be the same. Each round you'll get a selection of cards to play, some might have fairly tame effects (like forcing a character to admit a secret) to something a little more lewd to something completely out of left-field (like radically transforming their body or temporarily shifting to a new world/time). With this deck, anything is possible, and the stakes couldn't be higher. Short-form game. 

Holiday Cheer -- When you and your friend's family are snowed in, you assume it's just a regular holiday. But then a batch of mysterious gifts show up under your name -- despite you having no memory of their purchase. What are these gifts and, more importantly, how will they affect everyone that's trapped in the house with you? Short-form game.

The Photographer -- While cleaning out an old man's attic, you discover a camera with a cryptic warning. Through trial and error, you learn that the camera has the ability to take pictures of the future, with a twist: you can alter the photos to effectively change the outcome. There's limits to what you'll be able to do, but as you grow more comfortable with the process, you'll unlock the capacity for 'bigger' changes. Draw a heart and someone might be in a better mood, draw some money and watch it come rolling in, anything's possible with the right idea and the right photo. Longer-form game. 

Rise of Al'Azar -- Take on the role of a demon in the civil war between Al'Azar and the queen. You might not be as strong as a certain other MC, but you can still make it work. Who will you help? The fates of everyone involved might be sealed in the future, but there's plenty to explore before that. Longer-form game.

The Salesman -- Go door to door selling bizarre products that can induce a variety of effects. Try to save up money while also expanding your business and developing new products from the basement of your friend's house. Use your connections to peddle to potential customers. Short-form game.


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