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This update covers the mean route only for the permanent female genderbent Stein stuff. I'm going to try and get the MMF stuff out today, but since it's St. Patrick's day, I will be celebrating later on so depending on how much is done I might just release it tomorrow instead.

Either way, just want to reiterate that this permanent stuff requires you to choose to 'use the evidence against her'. If you try to be a nice guy right now, it will lead to a dead end. Also, in order for Heather to hop in (which is currently required but won't be when it's all done) you need her to either be your girlfriend, contracted, or have your will at 12 or higher.

EDIT: Note that the scene only comes up later in the day (same time as the walk with Brittany) and only if you have fulfilled certain conditions. You'll see a notification in the game when the choice has become available for selection if you met the criteria.

EDIT2: The next update is out and finishes off the 'nice routes' for the permanent genderbent stuff, as well as the threesome MMF path for body-swapping Heather and Stein (that one's not permanent though like the brown light is). The rest of the Heather/Stein stuff will come out tomorrow night and then we'll move on to the next event with Patel/Rio.

.187a Update Only (MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST .180d FIRST!!!!)


Step 1) If you need a clean install, download the .180d ALL FILES pack from this post.  

Step 2) Unzip the all files pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.    

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and a fan-made Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '205'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.     

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



That writing about "9 months" with Stein, was great So often impregnation on these kind of things is just like a title/surface level thing, but little things like that touch on the consequences.


Just to let everyone know, I'm going to put the next Stein release out on Sunday night.