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Okay, so this update brings out Rio's epilogues for IF DEMONS WON. None of the 'good endings' have been finished yet, so please keep that in mind if you're going to test through this stuff. EDIT: Sofia's epilogues on the demon side are now in as well. Note that I messed up and didn't include the clip/image variation if she's supposed to be pregnant in-game, but that'll be fixed in the next update and won't alter any outcomes, so you're otherwise free to explore through the endings now as-is.

Now, I've included an option for people that are running cheats in the game. If you are, you can click to reveal other potential endings for a given character. They won't be logged into your game (so you can't get credit for 'completing them all' for the purposes of dialogue and scene interactions, but at least you can read through them to get an idea of what you missed. This brings me to the other big thing...

You might notice a little green + sign next to certain sentences/paragraphs. If you hover over it with your mouse, it'll tell you why a specific event fired. For instance, if a character gives you a kiss, you might see the + and hover over it to see something like "This character is in a romantic relationship with you.".

It won't help you find scenes that simply didn't trigger because of an absent flag, but it should help guide your exploration through the epilogues and -- if feedback on it is positive -- I'll start including it in all future scenes as well.

Of course, if you hate it and find it obtrusive, let me know too. It's an experiment, so if people don't like it, it's not too late for me to remove it. But I have a feeling it should be well-received.

Note that I have no idea if it works with mobile devices, and it very likely won't, so please don't report that as a bug.


Step 1) Download the .121a ALL FILES pack from this post if you need a clean install.  

Step 2) Unzip this pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.     

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.    

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and an Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '107'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.     

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



Love it, thanks.


Works on mobile


OK, I am definitely missing something here... as in (1) how do I get to DnD at all, and (2) when you say "people that are running cheats in the game," do you mean the "cheat" where you're asked about Mrs. Maywood's relationship to you or someone's cheat mod? I seem to be clueless even after dozens of runthroughs of the game.


Yes, I'm referring to the in-game cheat that gives you 50 in all stats. To get DnD, you have to speak with Rio and Sofia upstairs starting with the second weekend. You can get them to play a game, and then you can play it a total of four times, each time is a new adventure. I've been updating the fourth and final one with an expansive set of epilogues and permanent abilities that can alter each of the characters involved (Jake/Jane, Sofia, Rio, Monica, Lydia, and Ms. Hill).


Many thanks for the clarification and thanks for all your hard work!


it says i cant dl the file


You might've tried to download it when I was switching links. Are you still having the issue?


I must say, I like the cheat tips in game very much. Especially there is no clearly walkthough. But I prefer more clearly hint when the specific event choices appear, like the fight scene to choose join coven or save Rachel. Thanks for all your hard work, I am enjoying it.


I don't have any plan to go back and add these to existing scenes, but I'm glad you're enjoying them. They'll start appearing in all future stuff from now on.

JP the Mighty

Hi there, let me see if I get this right? Suppose I have .121a or .125a update from f95zone from awhile back, and I waited for a new update story files to continue to play where I left off from last time, which of the new update do I use .122a onward or do I just use the .129b files? Oh and also what kinda of cheat do you have for me to use for this game.

stephen lelacheur

first downloud 121 than downloud 129b open 129b till you see images and the collage dayz folder copy them both than open up 121 than open it up till u see the images and collage dayz floder and past the folders u got fron 129b in that floder and when it asks you if u want to replace or re name them click replace than play the game from the 121 downlouded game file 121 holds the bulk of the images where 129b is the newest con tent so u add 129b to 121 for the compleat game


Yep, Stephen's right. If you follow the installation instructions, you'll be good to go. As far as anything else, you can check the discord or find codes that people have posted on a bunch of other websites.

JP the Mighty

Alrighty cool thanks, I've actually already did that first before writing on here, just to make sure that I didn't do anything wrong thought, so anyways just wanna know if there is any thing different like will it have new story line like something like I can control the drug warehouse or chase after Zahra or other neat stuff that are in the game?


The only thing that cheating does differently is let you view all possible epilogues when you do the final dnd session (which is what I'm currently working on). If you're asking what's been added since the last time you played, the best way to figure that out is to go through the images folder of the update pack to get an idea of what kind of scenes you can pick up in the game. Or, if you're feeling more thorough, you can scroll through all of the past posts with the 'release' tag to cobble together a list of everything that's in it now.