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Okay, the final release is out for Thursday. This includes the full suzie possession path, but perhaps more importantly, a bunch of quality of life fixes. You can now convert Jake even if you didn't opt to in the first run through of pinball with him, Heather, and Lydia. In addition, you can now actually target a specific girl so it's not all or nothing. Finally, there's a queen contract for Suzie during cheerleader practice and I separate the time travel options in the phone call with Mrs. Maywood (so now you don't have to go through the entire alt Emma track to get your first introduction of Hana, etc.)

I've put out a new update that should hopefully fix all of the remaining issues for 'Thursday', including Karen not being in the library at all and the Rio/Sofia images that weren't appearing.

.107b ALL FILES (If you want a clean install)



Step 1) Download the .087a ALL FILES pack from this post if you need a clean install.

Step 2) Unzip this pack to create your College Daze folder. From now on, you'll extract future updates and place them in this same folder, overwriting the previous content to update it.   

Step 3) If necessary, download an update only pack like the one in this post.

Step 4) Unzip the update only pack and copy the contents of it.   

Step 5) Paste these contents in your original 'all files' folder. Your computer will ask if you want to overwrite the existing HTML file. Click yes.  

Step 6) If you did everything right, you should have an HTML file that you click to run the game and an Images folder that has folders from 'aug02' to '107'. If you find an 'Images' folder inside your 'Images' folder, that means you pasted it incorrectly and need to re-copy and paste stuff.   

Step 7) When you run the game, the images and text should display as normal. If they don't, send me a message and we can try to figure this out further.



Is this the final (hectic) antics for Thursday and is the next a progression onto Fri or have you still got more planned for the Thus?


You can read all of the plans on the dev map. In this case, there's still an update coming with Mrs. Maywood and then general bugs and stuff before the public release and moving on to Friday.

Halima Abdi

any chance of more genderbending content?


Hey, you can actually vote for that in the polls ;).


I'm seeing fewer and fewer bugfixes. Somebody's getting better.


Haha, don't worry. There's still plenty of bugs for me to still take care of.

evan peat

when is the next all files


It'll be once this update is finished. But you don't need it if you're a patron, just follow the installation guide and you have all the files available to you. Each update only requires the latest update pack once you have a base.


You jumped from 102a to 107a or am i missing something?


Hi, in 107a+ it appears that some images are broken links again. I found the error in Rio when she tells you she's pregnant


No, you didn't miss anything. I'm trying to get it aligned with the images folder (where I incorrectly assumed I'd have 'Friday' done as well).


Plenty of Sofia/Rio images/macros are missing. rio_closeup, rio _base, rio_stripped, sofia_base, sofia_closeup, sofia_sex1 to 3 and sexp. And Karen is missing from the library?


Karen missing on thursday from the library is intended, but the other issues should be fixable with a new update in a second. When it says 107a+ you'll know that it should be working correclty. (And, if it's not, report it to me ASAP).


Karen certainly seems to be missing from the library from Monday onwards...


the 107a+ did not fix the image problems. During the Rio/Sofia branch upstairs (and some links during the Titus confrontation are missing (from my most recent playthrough)

HsienWen Lim

errr what do you mean by target a specific girl? and how do you start the contract with suzie? i only have the investigation and possession options available


Just to let everyone know, I'll have a new release out in a bit to hopefully address the current image issues. As well as this recently reported contract bug lol.


Actually, I don't think this was a bug. This was specifically a queens' contract, not a regular one. So if you didn't sign yourself over to the queen before, you can't do this one (since you're actually recruiting Suzie for her, not you). If you do have the queen's contract and it's still not coming up, let me know.


Hey G28, does the clean install have the modified preg images as part of the package too?


Yep, it should. If it doesn't, let me know because it means I messed something up.


having trouble following the download instructions, i unzipped the update only file into my 0.87a ALL FILES folder but it isn't coming up with the option coming up with option to overwrite previous verison...


I'm assuming that when you unzipped it, the update only folder's contents didn't come out? If that's the case, try going into the folder itself, highlighting everything (images folder and html file), click copy, and then back out of there and click to paste it in your main build. Then you should see the prompt. If you don't, I can try helping you through Discord, but you'll have to send me screenshots to see what you're doing differently.


Just to let everyone know, the next update will come out later on 4/27 and cover the first half of English on 'Friday' and a special scene for anyone that has Mrs. Maywood on campus in the morning. When the update is out, I'll also include the poll results from this month (though I'm still waiting on one person from the Supernatural tier to still make their pick).EDIT: For anyone not already on the Discord, it's still on the way, but it'll probably be at least a few more hours from now.


Hi, there is still the Monica route that is not finished from earlier in the week. When you visit and have the option of 1, "Greed" Where you get Rio, Monica & Sofia 2. "Lust" Monica & Suzie the 3rd option of "Just talk to Monica for a bit" is red not working.


Oh, interesting. I'll add that to my list for tonight's update then.

Kevin Daley

To my knowledge that seems to be the only one you missed as well


Someone did point out to me that if you possess Suzie for the underground adventure, you can go back to her later and see the red link for her post-adventure talk, but we'll fix that during the updates for 'Friday' content so that one's going to stay red for now. If you guys see any others though, let me know :).


I downloaded the all files but none of the images are loading


Are you playing on a phone? You have to do additional stuff if that's the case. Google playing twine games on your phone and you should see some explanations.

jay smith

Im new so how do I find .087a or can I start at 107


Hey, I'm not sure why you scrolled all the way down to this release. Please, go to .129c (the newest release) and follow the installation instructions there.

jay smith

Ok Thanks I wasn't sure if I had to start at beginning or not.