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Alright, it took a while, but here we go: the end of Sunday night! Now we can start looking at Monday and the start of classes once again. Here are a couple things to keep in mind for tonight's update if you want to see everything:

1) Ward has separate scenes depending on whether or not you were wounded in Sunday's fight against the group of thugs. If you don't want to trigger this naturally, the variable is $mc_wounded and you want to set it to true. Patel's dialogue changes but her scene is otherwise the same.

2) Patel's scene is only unlockable if you visited her on Saturday and then again on Sunday. You should have had a scene where you mention her address and she gives it to you. Alternatively, set $patel_apartment to true and you can unlock her scene that way.

EDIT: Looks like getting wounded wasn't working in the first place, but this bugfix fixes that. Sorry.

.064a Update Only (Download only if you already have an all files pack/are already up to date)


.064b Bugfix HTML Only (Make sure you also have the above first, this doesn't include images)




Just to let everyone know, it'll be a few more hours because I'm going to complete everything tonight rather than push some of that stuff to Monday.


Can't wait!


I was able to tell Karen to get off her birth control before but now the option doesn't show up, was that removed or was something added that i'm missing?


I haven't added or changed those scenes before, so it likely requires either a different combo of choices or different stats. I'd play around with it or try to remember what you did the first time to see what's up.

HsienWen Lim

I think that scene only occured if you had the maid train the first time. i got it before the 2nd maid train scene was implemented and after the 2nd maid train was implemented it was no longer available


Same, I've even tried editing her sub to the max and minimum and each time she still shows up on time, either by herself or with the gaggle of other maids depending on who I invite, never late now so I can't tell her to stop. P.S. love the game, not complaining just noticed this scene stopped popping up on Karen runs ;-)


You might actually have to skip the maids on Saturday in order to trigger the one you want on Sunday then.


Yup, skipping maid train one for something else allows it to trigger.


how do i change variables manually do i need to open it a certain way using microsoft edge rn

HsienWen Lim

i personally find an easy way to change the variables is to save to disk the save, then open it using the online save editor (search for it using google)


Yeah, this is the method I use for a lot of games as well lol.


If using Firefox, press F12 for dev tools, then select the Console tab. You can then enter commands. All Twine games using SugarCube have their variables under "SugarCube.State.variables."


Online player. When will the online version update from 0.059A?


Uploading it today with all the other websites :)