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This update moves into the post-dinner sequence and starts with a route that's only accessible if you chose to bide your time with Rio/Monica earlier and didn't immediately 'cash in' your prize from the pink light experiment. The maid stuff is going to be a little more involved so that'll be for Friday. All of the bugs that have been reported up until this point are addressed. 

NOTE: The back button is temporarily disabled now during mini-games (including the boss fight on Saturday). It's going to be that way from now on in situations like that. Don't worry, if you cheat, you always have the option to bypass the games so that's not going anywhere and the back button always gets turned back on after the games are over.

.060a Update Only (Make sure you have .059 or later first)




Just a heads up you can't use the back option when challenging Jake to pinball.


Yeah, I went back and disabled it for that and the fight scene, and I'll be doing that for other minigames and fights in the future. Since there's a cheat option for cheaters, there isn't really a need to let people use the back button and mess around with the fight's code or other similar situations.

Kevin Daley

but what would happen if people want to go back a few days do to missing something, wouldnt that act as a hard lock preventing any backtraking (which happens alot in these types of games).


Well it gets disabled the moment you activate the whole pinball minigame. So all you gotta do is not activated the event.


Yeah, if you need to backtrack so far that you hit a chokepoint event like that, then you were better off just loading a save in the first place.


If you use the brown light, then read the rules for the pinball game, Jane transforms back into Jake.


I should have this one fixed for the next update, thanks!


Just to let everyone know, there's a hurricane going through my area, so there's a chance that my Internet and stuff might die tonight. If it does, the update will come tomorrow night (with another one on Friday as normal). So if you don't see anything for a while and don't hear from me either, that's what happened. I don't think I've ever lost power in my area for more than a few hours though, so I'm optimistic that everything will be fine.


It hasn't directly hit me yet, so I'm hoping it'll end up missing me completely lol.


dumb question but how do i put in the update or is it implemented automatically?


Make sure you have the latest public release (.059a) and then download this 'update only' pack and extract it into the same folder as your existing installation. You should get a prompt to overwrite the HTML file (click yes) and merge the new image folders with the existing ones. Everything should run smoothly after that. If you need additional help, feel free to send me a message and I'll try to write out more comprehensive instructions.


Youc an grab .059a here btw: https://mega.nz/file/N4VCASiA#mKcdoB7U3xolvPYbqszMpfggISusA2LCw4g3MmKCbXc Sorry, meant to include that in the above reply.

Lapatata deglados

Im having quite a few bugs with the pinball game, sometimes instead of giving me the option for the next play it just goes to check the score ending of the game even though there I have not received the game over yet and as well there is a point where the calculation get all out of wack, for example, I have 13 points in fitness roll a nine at it count it as 10 making me loose the game once.


When it skips ahead to check the score, that should ONLY happen if you've already beaten both of your opponents. If it's ending the game prematurely, then that's a serious problem. I'll take a look at the rolls as well, though I'm not sure what could be causing the issue there.


Just to let everyone know, I lost power and Internet in my apartment after the hurricane hit. Stuff is slowly going back to normal, but I'll have the maid update ready for tomorrow night!


I'd have to look up how to do that as an option, but for now there's always the 'honor system' if you want to play with that restriction lol. One of the big reasons I've been disabling the back button at certain parts in these minigames is just because of the way stuff is coded, it can mess up the outcomes if you keep refreshing the passage by going back and forth.