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This update hopes to fix the iOS video issue once and for all, thanks to tremendous help from VikingCrawler. So, if you play on your phone, please let me know if this has fixed the issue. Thank you. 

Aside from that, this update now contains the first half of the orange light fun with the Maywoods. If you previously helped Mrs. Maywood dream about building a legacy then you'll find that this is a continuation of that dream with the option to name the third participant now, ensuring that they'll pop up more frequently in dreams in the future.

NOTE: iOS users you MUST replace all existing files when you download the pack. Don't just merge, make sure the original files are getting replaced before you test it.

.057b All Files (for iOS users to test and people with outdated versions)


.057d Update Only (for non-iOS users and people up to date)




Hey guys, today's update for the Maywood stuff is going to take a bit longer, so it'll be coming out later today/tonight. There'll still be a third update on Friday as normal, so sorry for the wait.


Hi, I don't know if this is a known issue or not an issue at all, but after the first night, MM's submission points go from whatever the value was to 74/75 no matter what I do that night. I've been updating the game every step of the way since version 52 or so and it's been happening ever since.


Yeah, this was actually one of the reasons I was originally hesitant about making the numbers open info on the first day. I had to clamp it down to those values after the first night because it was possible to get it stupid high and it wouldn't have really made sense to make such a drastic change after one night lol. So it's not a bug, it's a feature ;)


Dang it G XD. On one hand I get it, but on the other... most of MM's content so far is actually in day 1, so spending that particular day just to get her points up kinda' feels wasted now. I'm guessing you'll find a way to make it work eventually. Love the game!