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This will be an ongoing post that I edit to keep track of everything that is currently in development. This includes poll winner results and special content requests from professor, dean, and supernatural-tier patrons.



- While with Delia, use your powers to  temporarily de-age her. .. If you play nice, she might even let you intentionally cast a purple light on her, just to show her devotion to your cause, or let you enter her dream to get a better understanding of her ambitions.

-Talk to your assistant about her role in your life, with the option of getting her to accept some roleplay to act out your deepest Oedipal fantasies.

- Use a pink light to have some fun with the Heather and Kayla. Bring Jake/Jane or Kyle/Kylie in to really make it a party. Use an orange light to manifest Kylie's castle in the real world, though she won't be its ruler anymore... Or just feed everyone a pink light addiction and cap it off with a blue light to leave everyone with permanent consequences.  - If you spend time with Brittany, talk for a bit before going into her mind to revisit her dream with her 'therapist' (including a video requested by NS).  - Help Jake or Jane chase their dream of a future where they're rich and powerful. Work on Ms. Hill, as well as her role in this new world order or go in the opposite direction and teach her some manners, particularly with her mouth.

- Swap Jill with Lydia's mom for some conflicting fun. Mrs. Hart likes being younger, but will she like being in Jill's body specifically? She's used to men's attention, but not like this... Alternatively join her for a romantic walk only for Sydney to interrupt. They need to talk about the splinter coven, but you might be able to sway them to your side in the meantime.

- Gather Mrs. Rodriguez and Mrs. Hart if they're contracted, under the pretense of talking about what's on paper. They might hope for something a little more lenient, but you're actually aiming to take more control... Before they leave, give them a healthy dose of your special blue light to ensure that they're both connected to you in a more permanent way.

- If you made a deal with the Queen, get summoned to her realm (with Lydia if you previously completed her other joint event with the Queen). She'll decide to expand her power base with Ward and Monica, showcasing a new way to gain control on Earth through the gift shop. If you're not on the queen path but still want to own it, you're sure a little green light should make it easy enough to purchase. Before you go, if you've pleased her, she'll tease you with a gift of futuresight, letting you see what the world will become under dominant rule.

- Finish Sister Lisa's story with a brown light and then have her demonstrate her new loyalty with one of her fellow nuns (Penny P.). Afterwards, she'll be a welcomed addition to your future crew. Alternatively, get a little rough with her to close off her training in a new way. Finally, go for a more romantic route where Sister Lisa will renounce the nunhood to run off and be your girlfriend

- Seek an audience with Barberry to discuss strategies and potential allies in the coming fight. And hey, if the strategy session turns romantic, that's not your fault.

- Help Karen get her revenge on Mrs. Maywood, leading to a pivotal moment in their relationship. Bimbofy yourself to join in the fun as well or youngify Mrs. Maywood. Alternatively, have Rio and Karen share their notes on light research to see if they can come up with anything new.

- You know Eric/Erica has a thing for Kayla, so maybe you can use that to your advantage to pull them to your side? Whether that leads to some voyeurism, a threesome, or even a foursome with Tom/Tammy is up to you.

- Continue your training with Barberry, Sydney, and Chang. Learn more about Barberry and Sydney, with the possibility to get much closer with either one (or both). Use a blue light to knock either one up. This will also provide another opportunity to unleash Sydney's wild side, if you haven't done so yet. Alternatively, you can 'cure' her of her unleashed potential if you'd prefer to make her calm down. If you previously rescued Becca or otherwise interacted with her, gain another opportunity here too (as well as an opportunity bolster her and Sydney's addiction to you).

- Go into the wellspring's past with the help of Delia. Run into a somewhat familiar face and create a bond with her that will last into the future and influence her taste in men. You might even set up a special contract for an ACTUAL piece of property (though she won't realize it until it's far too late).

- Spend more time with Rio's mom, possibly swapping her with Sofia to further their body swap adventure or using an orange light to delve deeper into her past when she was in college and desperate for her teacher's approval. Or take Sofia and Lydia to the brothel, only to then rub it in Rio's face with a recording of their debauchery (involving you and many others). Gain the option to sign contracts for Rio's parent(s) and then send them (or her) away to Cassandra's brothel too, where Rio immediately gets seller's remorse afterwards. Alternatively, upgrade (or attain) a contract for Rio and her mom.


- Before confronting the splinter coven, come face-to-face with an assistant that you might've seen video footage of in the past... Hopefully your relationship with your own assistant is already quite strong ;). Depending on how things go, you might even be able to turn her to your side (eventually).

- While confronting the splinter coven and its leader, use a black light to slow things down and potentially bond over some mischief involving one of your potential allies (Barberry, Karen, and maybe some other people if they're there). Use a blue light to ensure they have to deal with the consequences afterwards. If Jill is there, she'll be preoccupied with a nasty mind control spell, but you might be able to rescue her by temporarily hopping in her head. While there, her reaction will change based on whether you previously gave her the confidence to stand up for herself.

- With the coven defeated, gain the option to contract them to the queen's service, ensuring that they'll be a useful tool for many years to come. Establish Val as their leader, with the extra step taken to tie her to the queen as well or use a purple light to ensure that Val can never stray from her loyalty to you (or gain too much mastery over her powers without your consent).



- During science class, get the option to body swap Rio and Patel for some fun shenanigans.

- Transform Professor Stein's classroom into a living dream/market. While there, gain the option to purchase genderbent Stein, Monica, Eric, Lydia, Val, Lexi, or Tammy. If the other classmates are already contracted (like Lydia), they'll have unique reactions. Rio and Chang will also join in the festivities, with an option to send them to the brothel when you're done with them in the market.

- Get into some mischief in the teacher's lounge, opening up an opportunity to train with Ward between classes, spend some time with Nadir or Patel (setting up an engagement with either one), or make life miserable for Stein (permanently).

- Pregnancy conversations with Rachel and the demons.

- Confront Rachel over the work she's been doing for the queen. If you're the Queen's Champion, Kayla might insert herself into the conversation with an interesting offer. Attend a meeting between any surviving demons, Rachel, and the Succubus. Help them negotiate a peace treaty that you might become the main benefactor of. If you haven't already transformed Rachel, gain another potential opportunity to do so (if you were contracted to the queen, this will require her permission to do so). Eager to break out from under the queen's thumb, you convince the other demons to support you in a coup. But what will Rachel do? This could potentially lead to a showdown where you have to choose the queen or her niece... While at the meeting, also gain the opportunity to potentially marry Keera and Candy, assuming they're still alive. If you decide to side with the queen, she'll sweeten the pot by offering to treat you like her lover and her heir (in the way that only a very special woman in your life could). This will also set her up as a potential contender for your hierarchy of Milfs in the future and give you the opportunity to permanently turn her into her milf form if you haven't already done so. If you knocked up Keera, you can use the pregnancy to help bypass any reservations she might have about allying with you.

- Help (or hinder) Rachel from getting Nikki to sign a contract for the queen. Alternatively, get Nikki to agree to an engagement via a green light. If you've embraced your future demon side, go too far in the contract process, leaving Nikki a mentally shattered version of herself. If Rachel has an issue with this, gain an option to shatter her too, though it'll require a significant amount of work to convince the queen this is a good idea.


- Establish yourself as a new god for the nuns and enjoy the perks it provides (especially if Sister Johanna was grateful for your earlier help). Alternatively, plant the seeds for them to worship your queen instead...

- Stumble into an accidental future where a new face saves you. How do they know you... and Karen?

- Use a living dream world in the bunker with Becca, Jill, and Sydney to convince them that you're their new leader.

- Spend some time with young Barberry. You saw her in a dream, now it's time to see her in real life. Follow that up with a blue light to knock her up and/or a green light to propose to her. She might've started as your enemy, but maybe you can walk away with her as your bride?

- Go back in time with the Assistant's help. Learn more about Evelyn long before the two of you should have met.

- After getting a mysterious figure pregnant, convince her to help you go back in time and rescue a version of Emma. While there, ignore her warnings and you might revisit a past scene (only to get an 'I told you so').

- If you engaged Sofia or are otherwise dating her, gain the option to go on a date with her in Rio's mom's body. Alternatively, take Rio's mom out in Sofia's body to have a serious talk about your plans for her daughter (... and her???). If you don't want to do any swaps, maybe you could have fun with Sofia's ass. When Ana and Mrs. Rodriguez walk in, you'll have to explain what's going on.

- Have Mrs. Rodriguez take you to where her husband proposed to her and overwrite the location with new memories with you

- Recruit Chang into the Queen's army. Gain the option to use a black light to (temporarily) awaken new powers into Chang before causing her to relapse back into her normal form (with the option to fully corrupt Jill as well if she's serving the queen). Alternatively, conduct a bodyswap between Chang and Rio in the library for some fun times. If you get Chang to sign a green light contract for you, go through each line with her, potentially getting a better deal if you've built up your relationship with her. Alternatively, continue experiments with Rio/Jill/Chang, only for a mysterious figure to step in and finalize things. Potentially breed a new obsession in Chang and Jill's minds permanently.

- Continue developing the body swap between Monica and Mona (or start it if you haven't already). Give Mona a place to stay at the motel if you claim it. Unlike a traditional one, this one will use an orange light and take place inside their shared dreamspace. Or, if Monica has been sharing you with Sofia, bring them together or force them to compete for your affection, with an eventual winner crowned at the top of the harem. Celebrate with a green light engagement with the winner (or as a consolation prize for the loser). Use a purple light to come up with a new way to make their personalities more compatible. Finally, just go on a simple date with Monica if that's all you care about, where the two of you can willingly body swap to experience it from each other's perspective.


- It's time for the sorority coup to take place, whether you told Lexi to break away, encouraged Jenny or Brittany to take over, or just decide to take it all for yourself. Of course, even if you encouraged someone to break away, doesn't mean you can't betray them and show them that you're the one pulling all the strings... With Lexi and Jenny in particular, you can even go so far as to sever her connections to the lights and leave her as a helpless mascot for the organization (whether she's serving you, Jenny, or Brittany). If Val's around, gain obedience for her, Jenny, and Lexi via a choker or a pink light to feed into their deepest addiction. They won't betray you with that kind of insurance policy in place. If you're with the queen, turn them all into sleeper agents with a late night visit to the corrupted gift shop for proper recruitment. If you haven't already bimbofied Kyle, gain another opportunity to do so once the sorority's leadership is settled.

- Bond with Hill, Wilson, and Patel and then spend the night at their place for some additional shenanigans involving a movie night and a blue light. Gain the option to speed up a pregnancy for Ms. Hill or give her a permanent purple light or permanently youngify her. Finally, use a green light to get engaged and finally make an honest woman out of her. Regardless of how you treat her, you can suggest that she start taking classes next semester as well.

- Marsha might make a reappearance in your timeline, just in time to encounter Brittany. She'll then show Brittany who's really in charge (next to you, of course) before going back to her own timeline once again. While she's there, Val might appear with some thoughts before moving on with her day. Of course, if you just want to have some peace and quiet with Marsha alone, that'll be an option too. No matter what, Marsha will assure you that you're the only one she wants, in this timeline or any other. Seal the deal with a blue light, though you hope there aren't any consequences from doing things 'out of order'...



- Speed up Kayla's pregnancy. Or have some fun with her and a (permanently) youngified version of Karen when she comes to visit before math. If Rachel's pregnant (and around) speed up hers too while you're at it.


- Meet up with Cassandra, who's just happy to spend time with you. So happy, in fact, that she might even forget to ask for any kind of payment. Use a blue light if you want to leave her with a fun surprise. Afterwards, start a romantic dialogue with her and offer to support her financially or let her continue making money as a stripper instead (no touching!). Alternatively, strongarm her into letting you take over her business yourself (optionally with Rio's help).

- Finish off the final swap between Rio's mom and Sofia, locking them in as their new selves for the foreseeable future. Use an orange light to reveal your master plan to them, now that they're helpless to stop it.

- Share an intimate moment with the queen before an important battle. It might be a dream still, but this one feels... more real? Develop a strong enough relationship with the queen, and you might just get the opportunity to present a contract to her instead.

- If you've done enough training up until this point, finalize the body swap between Monica and Mrs. Wilson, permanently changing which one's which. Alternatively, permanently transform Wilson to youngify her. If you promised Monica to too many people, navigate a showdown between Mona and Mrs. Wilson to determine who gets 'custody' of the girl once and for all. Finally, if you want to give Mona a proper upgrade, gain the ability to permanently alter her with a brown light.

- Have a final 'pregnancy party' with Monica and the Wilsons. Knock them up and then use a brown light to optionally speed up any for some long-term fun. Finish Mona's storyline with Wilson and Monica with a very intimate celebration. Whoever she's in, she'll either insist on getting pregnant right there or enjoy the fruits of your previous union. If you haven't already, gain an option to contract her (or the other two). Once you've finished Mona' storyline (either via pregnancy or body swap), come clean about your abilities and bring her into your fold. Perhaps she's stronger than you realize...


- Face off against Barberry, but not before calling in all of your favors with her most trusted supporters. Can you turn the tide with the help of Sydney, Jill, Val, and Becca? An orange light to mess with Barberry's mind might come in handy. Alternatively, a last minute training session to boost your girl's stats via a red light might be useful. It'll be a tough fight no matter what, but with enough combat practice, you should be fine. Use a black light to slow things down and have some fun or use a brown light to make her fight more than one of you at once.

- Learn to drain your followers for energy. Not too much, but enough to potentially make a difference in a big fight.

- If you've spent enough time with Suzie, she might be willing to step up and protect you from her mother, leading to a surprising conclusion to a future battle.

- After your assistant gets in trouble with Karen, it'll be up to you to save her. Use an orange light to try and battle Karen's subconscious and convince her that you and your assistant are not the enemy. Alternatively, use a permanent purple light to turn Karen into your perfect companion.

- Showdown between Karen and Naomi. Who will win? And, more importantly, what will happen to the loser? Either way, you have a feeling the loser (or winner?) will be getting a healthy dose of a blue light. And maybe a pink light too, just to remind them who won the battle.

- Reveal to Karen what you've done to Tom and Bill, making it clear that you're now in control of Tammy and Billie. Will she be embarrassed, angry, or... proud?

-  After completely defeating Barberry, add salt to the wound by taking her daughter in front of her (with optional clone shenanigans to tag team Suzie with yourself). Use a permanent purple light to alter Suzie right before Barberry's eyes, before doing the same to her. And, of course, gain an option to finally put Barberry and the rest of her family under contracts, if you haven't already. A blue light will also be available to leave the entire Barberry family with a nice present. If you really want to be mean, send Barberry, Suzie, and Naomi to go live in Cassandra's brothel, where they'll have to work hard to survive.

- On the night before the final battle, enjoy some quiet time with Brittany, Emma, and Delia. You might even get the chance to temporarily de-age Delia again if you did it previously.

- Alternatively, celebrate the night before the final battle with an intense Ash party for anyone that isn't dead yet. In particular, don't be afraid to get rough with Keera. She might not enjoy taking Ash like everyone else, but you know how to be VERY persuasive (bdsm).


- Help Karen, Maywood, and Barberry resolve their differences before the final battle. If you want a chance at survival, you're going to need all of them to work together.

- Using genderbent soldiers for lightcasting normally shouldn't work, but it wouldn't be the first time you broke the rules. Learn how to turn Mr. Maywood, Stein, Fuller, Kylie, Tammy, and Jane into the spellslingers you always knew they could be.

- At the moment of truth, Kayla might just betray her best friend and then rub it in her face (at your behest, of course). It'll probably break Rachel's heart in the process, but that'll just make her easier to toy with later. Depending on circumstances, instead show Kayla how deep Rachel's loyalty to the queen goes and take her down. If you've fully powered the Assistant, use her to help you (or face a big skill check).

- If Kayla is defeated, and you're working with the queen, have the succubus offer Kayla a final contract to sign her humanity away and have her join anyone else that has become demonized.

- Revisit the past and become acquainted with Beatrice. With the restrictions from time travel, you're not sure if you can actually save her, but you're going to try.

- Do everything it takes to go back and save your alternate reality assistant (with 'your' assistant's help?).

- Enjoy some supernatural fun between your assistant, Evelyn's, and Bunny before the four of you gear up for the final battle.

- During a climactic showdown, Lydia and Rachel might come to blows over control of the demon realm. Help or hinder her at your discretion.

- Maybe everything doesn't have to end in violence, after all. With the right green light, maybe you can come up with a engagement proposal that works for both you and the Dean (and Delia as well). You'll probably need a blue light to make it extra special for at least one of them.

- Delia and Evelyn have made mistakes, but at the end of the day, they still love each other. Right? It's time to remind them of that, and let them enjoy a more peaceful and romantic life together.

- Evelyn has a hard enough time taking on you... but what if she had to fight multiple versions? Some clone magic could be useful for the final battle.

- Alternatively, betray both the Dean and Delia, seizing the wellspring and its power for yourself, becoming a true god.

- Who should rule the demon realm? While Rachel and the Queen are obvious candidates, Kayla might have an interesting proposal of her own...

- Depending on who came out on top in the end, there might be a new queen of the demons, including Kayla, Evelyn, Rachel, or Lydia.

- If you manage to summon the queen to the real world, gift her with a dose of pink light, to make her truly addicted to you. She'll initially be shocked by the act, but eventually grow to love it.
These are various events that need to get finished before the game is complete, but they do not take priority compared to content that has been voted on/directly requested.

- Finish Val's dream mini-game and Fuller's bunker raid minigames, if not already completed by this point.  
- Spend some time actually training with Brittany, Karen, and Ward (with the possibility of including Rio and Monica in the proceedings as well or even SYDNEY!?). Start building up your army ;).  
- Include content for new guests at Cassandra's establishment (Characters from Ash Party sequence, Wards, Patel), and update to the giant maid scene to account for Heather potentially already being your property beforehand.


- Work really hard at a specific task and you might just get a chance to assert your... unique brand of (alphabetical?) dominance... over the entire school.

- Relax and enjoy the attention of your personal maid service -- featuring Brittany, Nikki, and Stacy (optionally). This will be a shorter 'intro scene' in addition to whatever other epilogue you've earned for them.

- Pregnancy is no longer just an interest -- it's mandatory. Use a blue light to ensure that any citizens in your new world order are able to get pregnant regardless of how old they might be. With so many women pregnant, it's only right that you celebrate it in one glorious night of debauchery.

- Building a lawful utopia might not sound like too much fun, until you start instituting contracts to ensure that the populace behaves how they should. Who said degeneracy and laws can't mix?

- Remove all men from the world (optionally including or excluding yourself). More importantly, though, should everyone retain their memories of their life before the change, or should everyone be wiped of their former life?

- Invest in your growing clone army until you have a presence on more worlds than just Earth.

- If you've frequently enjoyed stopping time, then you might want to see how far you can push the extent of your ability, until time is no longer a concern... permanently.

- If you've been draining your followers, create a future where your apprentices act as portable batteries. You might not need the energy at that point, but you can always use it as leverage over them to ensure their loyalty.

- Establish the new head of the coven. But choose wisely, especially if you made promises to people (like Sydney, Karen, Lexi, Val, or Barberry). Of course, whoever you pick will still serve under you... hopefully. Sydney, in particular, will have a much more in-depth one.

- Spend some time renovating your motel to turn it into the premier attraction for visitors to your new empire. If you've maxed out your cum addiction powers, go ahead and start a restaurant franchise too, ensuring that every visitor gets a taste of your delicious seed.

- You've done a lot of work contracting people, but now it's time to contract the entire world. And this time... you're getting rid of the damn weekend clause!

- If you convinced the motel owner that you were their long-lost son, wait until they return from their 'trip' to turn them into the mommy you always deserved.

- If you've taken over the world for yourself, and decided to not turn it into a demonic wasteland, maybe you can prove yourself an effective ruler.

- You've gotten engaged to a lot of women, and now it's time to sound the wedding bells. Do you really need that many brides?

- Preserve domestic bliss by reuniting Mr(s). and Mrs. Maywood together, ensuring that Brittany has a happy couple to come home too. And, of course, you'll be a feature of their new domestic life too.

- Spend some time enjoying the fruits of your many labors. Maywood and Brittany find a gift that shows just how you all feel about your sweet princesses and prepares them for an intense education.

- It's hell on earth for everyone but the MC, with a particular focus on Mrs. Maywood...

- Revisit an old dream, but make it reality this time. You always enjoy spending time with Mrs. Maywood and Brittany, but it's even better when they're eager to keep you happy (even around Mr. Maywood).

- Stop by the Maywood household and enjoy being the only man of the house with Mrs. Maywood, Brittany, and.. 'Mrs. Maywood'. If you want to, even invite Ms. Hill and Jane to come live with all of you too.

- If Mrs. Maywood is on a very tormented/obedient path, you could lead her to getting some nipple piercings. (Features a picture from Blissful's request).

- Show Mrs. Maywood how well-behaved Marsha is (otherwise punish her until she learns her lesson).

- You've gotten the women comfortable with showing their bodies off, now they can adorn your throne room whenever you have visitors. Mrs. Maywood, Karen, and Ms. Hill are all ready to  show you how obedient they can be. Afterwards, encourage the three to fool around for your viewing pleasure.

- Wind down with your core four: Emma, Karen, Brittany, and Kayla, assuming that you built up relationships with all of them. There's a lot to unpack after everything the five of you witnessed, and now that it's over, you can properly celebrate.

- You enjoy spending time with Mrs. Maywood and the real Marsha, but what about the next generation? Mrs. Maywood's obviously a great teacher, and now Marsha can be her helper as you break in whoever comes next.

- Go back in the past to spend time with Emma and alter your lineage. Go back far enough and take her virginity before making other alterations to you and Brittany's history.

- If you're training Maywood and Brittany's daughters, they might become a handful for you, so you'll need to tap into your clone magic to take care of both at the same time.

- Katey has had a variety of potential experiences on campus, but if you were particularly mean to her, then it might be time for you and Ward to break her down once and for all until she understands exactly where she stands.

- With Mrs. Ward youngified, it's time to put her body to use and send her back to college. Maybe she'll have a better time now that her daughter is one of the teachers.

- After instilling enough loyalty in Ward, have some fun toying with Katey in front of her. Ward's tired of trying to take care of her, and now she just wants to have some fun of her own too.

- They might be college professors, but it's time for Ward and Nadir to give their students some sexual education. With your help, of course. Afterwards, take them on a wholesome date where you remind them of their own time at college and encourage them to start taking some classes at their own school. Throughout the future, you'll be free to use a brown light (just mentioned, not actually seen) to keep them as young as they need to be to attend classes with their friends and family.

- Enjoy time with Professor Nadir, assuming you blackmailed her into obedience. With your control over her assured, you get to work breeding her with the many children she always dreamed of.

- Crown a new prime milf (sorry, Mrs. Maywood) from the ones in your life, starting with an option to make your Assistant, Sorority Girl Jen, Evelyn, Professor Patel, Mrs. Wilson, Mona, or Nadir your number one woman (and you her favorite special boy via purple light).

- Use an orange light to instill complete obedience in permanently bimbofied Rio, in order to ensure she can't get in the way of your plans.

- With certain extreme triggers (and a little help from Meta Rio), relive your story from the start, but with anime twist. This all seems awfully familiar... The game might not replay itself in its entirety, but at least you'll get to have a little fun before you hit game over (much to Meta Rio's dismay).

- Rio and Sofia need you to help teach their children many mysteries of the world, including how to... stop crime? After everything you've done, the world could use some heroes (or villains). Help them infiltrate an underground crime ring by having them (and their daughters) pretend to be your newest 'product'.

- Rio has a lot of pent up anger over how she was treated growing up. Now it's time for her to get her revenge...

- Rio's been plotting to break the hold your addiction has over her, but every time she transforms into her alternate form, she spills the beans about her progress, leading to setbacks and more punishments when she returns to normal.

- If you have a submissive Rio, enjoy some leisure time as she rushes to complete all of her household chores as your personal live-in maid.

- Meta Rio has played along with your games long enough. Once you've gotten your desired ending, she'll reveal everything she's known as plainly as possible, before revealing that she's okay with it all. Sure, the game's ending along with her existence, but if she keeps playing along, maybe you'll come back? You will come back... right?

- Meta Rio has grown too powerful thanks to her fighter training and increased Resistance. When she starts misbehaving and bullying the other girls in the harem, you'll have to step in and put an end to it. Of course, no matter what you do, it all seems to be a part of the girl's plan for something called "Rio Daze"...

- If Rio knows she's in a game and has a background as a fighter, she might be willing to let you transform her into heavy metal artist SuMetal.

- On the evil path, once you've taken over the world and started toying with your captured subjects, turn your interest to Rio.

- Depending on Rio's attributes by the end of the game, she might decide to become an actual detective and continue roaming the world hunting down bad guys. You just hope she doesn't get into any trouble with criminals along the way, though by that point, you're sure it won't be hard for you to pop in and save her if the worst happens.

- If you've blackmailed your teachers, publicly humiliate them while showing them off as your bred toys. This applies to Ward, Patel, and Nadir.

- Lydia's family needs a lesson in respect. And you're going to give it to them. If you've corrupted Lydia enough, she might even betray her younger sister and find a perverse satisfaction in it too. She's been looking after Abby for too long and now she's fed up.... Of course, the opposite could be true too. If you're close enough to Abby, she might betray her sister who won't expect it at all. Regardless of which one's under your control, you doubt Mrs. Hart will have a happy ending...

- Abby is exploring herself in college, but there's always room for more work, especially when she has Mrs. Hart and Lydia as teachers (and you, of course)...

- Sell Mrs. Hart (at a heavy discount for being used goods) and then sell Abby separately to a rich CEO to spend her days as his private plaything.

- Managing a full household can get hectic. Luckily, Sofia has some extra help when her mother comes to visit (or permanently moves in?).

- Sofia's father arrives on campus thanks to your invite, leading to a scene in which he skips over his own wife to visit Ana at the brothel. From there, you can claim Ana for yourself and humiliate him, watch Ana and Mr. Rodriguez in front of his wife, or play with Ana together. Alternatively, don't even bother bringing him to town before establishing yourself as the new patriarch of Sofia's family (a fact that Ana is particularly excited by).

- Start mass swapping women and their moms, with a particular focus on Sofia and  Rio. Help them bond with their moms after seeing what life is like in each other's respective bodies.

- Establish yourself as the new head of Sofia's family, with interesting consequences for both her sister and her mother.

- Help Mrs. Rodriguez and Ana develop a better understanding of one another... by switching their bodies permanently!

- At an auction, Sofia's sister and mother will go up for sale. Her mother will get won over by a frathouse, but her sister will get 'saved' by her dad instead.

- With a mastered brown light, turn Brittany into Leni Klum.

- Brittany, Stacy, Heather, and Nikki have a problem, but you're going to help them cure it, one personal dose at a time.

- Go back in time to before Brittany started partying at college, guaranteeing that your her first.

- Go back in time to fix a massive injustice with Brittany's history (by inserting yourself directly into it and replacing Mr. Maywood for her conception).

- Brittany's daughter travels back to the past, eager to see what Marsha was talking about (and mentions her by name).

- After being permanently body-swapped, Monica wants her old body back while Mona and Wilson enjoy their new lives, however they might've ended up.

- If you're a master of brown lights, have fun sculpting Monica into the perfect woman. Or, in this case, the perfect... singer? Enjoy your own Billie Eilish 'clone'. While you're at it, have fun turning Jane into your own lead actress from Stranger Things.

- If you spent time swapping bodies with Monica, the two of you might get accustomed to each other's lives, leading to a very permanent decision in the future.

- If Monica has been disappointing, invite Mrs. Wilson to deliver a proper (spanking) punishment.

- If you already started giving a character nightmares, like Jane or Monica, set a plan in motion to start tormenting everyone with all kinds of horrible dreams. Monica will get the brunt of it for now, but you have no doubt that the others will fall victim over time.

- If you've played enough games with Jane, don't be surprised if it turns into an annual tradition where she tries (and fails) to compete against you for the title of best gamer.

- Relax in a future with Jane and Ms. Hill, along with her grandchild (played by Gabbie C). Experience a future where they're all professional gamers, though Ms. Hill's still struggling to understand how it all works. Jane's a lot like her mom was with her, though Ms. Hill's finally starting to relax. At least Ms. Hill has the family's finances to occupy her time. Watch what happens when Brittany's kid gets on Ms. Hill's bad side (if she controls your finances).

- Jake and Jane have had a complicated relationship with you, but you've streamlined it by turning them into your thrall/servant.

- Take Jane to her video game tournament which she wins. As a reward she asks for a cute picnic date so she can feel like your actual girlfriend before finishing with some romantic bondage sex.

- If you severed Lexi's connection to the lights, keep her as a pet and reminder to the sorority about what can happen to them if they step out of line or don't follow your every command. Look over the entire sorority in general, depending on your decisions regarding Lexi, Jennifer, and the others.

- Take control of the school and turn into a non-stop playground, for you and the other students. Even expand it into a marketplace for you to enjoy specific services.

- Train with the sorority, developing a new regimen based on your experiences with the red light.

- Fast forward to a future with the Porters. Some might've needed more encouragement than others, but you'll have a quite a few pregnant ladies to deal with now. (Includes Karen, Kayla, Tom/Tammy, and Bill/Billie).

- If you took over Karen's company, reward her for being a good secretary with a weekly stipend.

- Karen has spent her life on top -- both on campus and at home. Now that it's all over, what is she supposed to do? You could certainly find a use for her, though it might be different to her old life. Still, with enough time, you're sure she'll come to love everything you have planned for her.

- Revisit the past to right a personal wrong for Karen. Give her the ancestry she always felt she deserved.

- Torment Karen after taking over the planet and becoming its new insidious ruler. It's Hell on Earth for everyone, but you've taken a particular liking to playing with Karen...

- Take perma young Karen and Maywood and Hill on a date at the same time. They'll go back to school and relive their youth, taking classes, partying etc.

- Go back in time to the day Robert broke up with Karen. Only this time, guess who happens to be in the park at the same time. Over a series of future encounters, make Karen feel better, while also changing your future relationship to Kayla in the process. When you return to the real world, Karen will now 'remember' her daughter's true lineage and, optionally, how you took her virginity in the very complicated process.

- Get caught between the Queen and Rachel and choose poorly to end up as Rachel's plaything for all of eternity. (Video request by PhantomIsle). If Rachel is victorious (with or without you), she might try to claim Evelyn as her prize. Alternatively, let the Queen give you to Zahra (or Kayla or Lydia) instead and her and the queen might even talk about how delicious your soul is (another video request -- for Zahra -- by Phantom).

- If the Queen takes over the campus, she'll start automating the use of lights to instill obedience in everyone on Earth. People that try to resist are sought after by hunter groups, with one led by none other than the suicide girl herself, Emily. Now that she has a new purpose in life, she'll make sure everyone else "finds" theirs too. Jill, fully corrupted, will also act as a hunting dog to seek out the rebels.

- At the end of time, if you're the queen's champion, reach an agreement in which the two of you enter oblivion together in a murder suicide pact.

- If you destroy the wellspring while working for the queen, you can drain the last of its power to create a new realm for you and the other demon-worshippers. You won't be able to return home, but you might get a glimpse of how the Earth progressed without you and the lights every now and then. In the meantime, enjoy a quiet eternity with your queen and the others.

- If you try to save the Maywoods after the demons have taken over, the queen might turn around and send you to them as an eternal maid.

- Enjoy a lazy afternoon after you've taken over the demon realm, with your assistant on your lap and the original queen by your feet.

- Your assistant has helped you immensely throughout your adventures, so its' only natural that you'd eventually take a break to enjoy some one-on-one time with her. You might be a light god, but this supernatural creature can still show you sights you never even dreamed of. Play your cards right, and she might have another surprise to share with you (involving her belly).

- Assistants aren't able to get pregnant. That's the conventional wisdom, anyway. But it wouldn't be the first time you found a way to break the rules, would it?

- Marry Bunny, Sister Lisa, and Kitty if you haven't already. Then enjoy a very romantic scene together in which everyone happily gets along.

- If the Demons are still around and you helped them overthrow the queen, check in on them and establish a puppet government. The three girls might be 'in charge', but you all know who they really answer to...

- Cement your family line as a new political dynasty, in the world of both demons and humans.

- Now that you've figured out how to impregnate demons reliably, it's time to turn Candy, Raven, and Keera into your babymaking machines.

- Using the powers of the pink light, spread the addiction to you throughout your drug empire.

- Can you really marry Devin in front of his love, Lydia? What if it's her love instead? What if you just marry them both? Either way, if you got Devin pregnant, 'she'll' have to deal with that.

- Make a sacrifice to enjoy a pleasant future with a special (rare?) lady scientist.

- Stumble upon a woman that's been missing for a very long time. What's Joan been up to all this time? She might have a reputation for being a fighter, but you have a feeling you can get her to submit to you.

- You don't want to just defeat Evelyn, you want to sever her connection to the lights and leave her utterly powerless afterwards as your prisoner. And as an added option, you can 'offer' the same to Professor Barberry too.

- If you can convince Evelyn to be a good girl, enjoy a relaxing day in the office with her and bimbo Jill as your secretaries. Or head home after a day of work and find Evelyn in the kitchen as your perfect domesticated housewife.

- If you defeat Evelyn and make her sign a succubus contract, have her run the demonic gift shop and attract sleeper agents from around the campus, and later world, to get new collars attached as the next phase of the queen's plan for world domination.

- After your victory over Evelyn, use her with the help of some friends -- clones of yourself, of course.

- If Evelyn becomes the new queen of the demons, then she might feminize the player and toy with them, as an indication of their relationship for the rest of eternity.

- With so much power, it's only natural that Val would find herself attracted to someone that could really challenge her -- you. And now that the campus is under your control, it's time to enjoy your time together... forever.

- Transform Suzie into a celebrity lookalike (Zend).

- With Barberry and Naomi defeated, rub it in their faces as you reveal that Suzie is yours now, and will continue to be so forever as she obediently follows you. Her mother had a chance to develop a positive relationship, but now Suzie wants nothing to do with her and only cares about your desires.

- Become queen bee of the school by possessing Heather, Nikki, or Suzie. Rule with an iron fist while waving a pom-pom in the other. Who knows, you might even decide to permanently retire in it if you like it enough.

- Depending on your relationship with the cheerleaders, you might have a troupe of lovers (Suzie, Nikki, and Heather) eager to show you their newest moves, or a group of dedicated cheerleader moms to guide and mentor future students.

- Sydney's wild side can get her into trouble, unless you teach her how to handle it effectively (or... don't).

- Sydney, Val, and Rio (if fighter-trained) have some interesting theories about humanity's potential on the transdimensional stage. With the right guidance, perhaps you could breed a new generation of superwarriors?

- Check in on Ms. Hill's studies (whether young or old)

- Show Jake and Jane who the real man of the house is once you make things official with Ms. Hill. Perhaps one dream has more foreshadowing than you previously expected.

- If you contracted Ms. Hill, but not male Jake, then you'll get an option during the epilogues to complete your collection (and take it a step further if you'd like to genderflip him).

- Go back in time to not only take Ms. Hill's virginity, but to also reveal yourself as the father that walked out on Jake when he was a baby.

- Let Professor Patel learn of her own fate by temporarily deactivating the purple light. Turn it on and off at your whim, giving her a tragic taste whenever it suits you.

- Professor Patel has been through a lot thanks to you, but now you can finally gift her something for all of her troubles. With a new home and a new lab, what could Professor Patel achieve?

- If Kayla beats the queen, she can potentially seize power for herself and then give herself a demon contract to fulfill her destiny.

- Use your mastery of the brown light to transform Kayla into the spitting  image of Melissa Benoist.

- If Kayla loses in her bid to take over the queen's realm, she might end up struck down and forced to sign a demonic contract, turning her forever into the queen's submissive demonic servant.

- Kayla's already had one child on the way, but she's very pregnant once again and still thinking about how many children she wants for the future. She's going to be a very busy mama.

- If the MC has brought Hell on Earth, it's time to have some 'fun' with Kayla...  - You're enjoying your time at the brothel when you notice two big absences: Kayla and Karen. It's time to correct that.

- If you side with Rachel and/or Kayla against the queen, while choosing to remain her new 'champion', then you might end up making the ultimate sacrifice of your humanity and becoming her permanent puppet to rule the world with.

- Time travel to the past to take Kayla's virginity (and ensure that she remembers back in the present).


- Train Professor Nadir and 'Mrs.' Nadir in how to serve you faithfully, creating the idyllic married home life for all three of you.

- Enjoy a genuinely happy ending for Mrs. and... Mrs. Nadir, where you help them work through their problems and develop a rewarding marriage. You might stop in every now and then, but your primary goal is to help them lead fulfilling lives with one another.

- If you've helped Lydia realize her full potential and made her your apprentice, enjoy the benefits of that and see what rewards you can reap after everything is said and done.

- If you and Lydia stage a rebellion against the queen (succubus contract route), it might go poorly... at which point you can turn around and pin everything on Lydia instead. The queen will understand you were manipulated by the vile woman and basically turn the girl into a mindless husk for whatever you want to do with her while the queen keeps a close eye on you. Alternatively, if you both accept part of the blame/responsibility for the failed scheme, the queen will forever remove your sex drives as a lesson not to mess with her, thus making you more efficient soldiers in her continued pursuit of conquering world(s).

- It's finally happening. After taking care of business on campus and enjoying much of what your life has to offer, you decide to entertain a new version of reality, where you're a woman. What kind of fun can you get up to then? You know Lydia's interested, at the very least (if she was your apprentice).

- Side with Lydia against the queen, bimbofying her permanently and transferring ownership of yourself over to Lydia. You then spend an eternity watching her rule over the cosmos, with you by her side. If Lydia blames you after the failed coup, then you'll get bimbofied by the queen and suffer under that for eternity.

- Check in on your corporate empire (with Mrs. Maywood as your secretary and Mr/'Mrs' Maywood as your other underling, possibly Christy as well?).

- He once had it all, but now he's been reduced to nothing. Enjoy your time with 'Mrs. Maywood 2' and show her how a real man of the house behaves.

- Show off how degraded you've made Hana and then if you filmed her, play that for a live audience. Otherwise just play with her in front of her friends.

- Explore Hana's new life as a full-blown addict. She just can't get enough of you, no matter how publicly humiliating you make it for her.

- It will be  long time before anyone forgives Professor Barberry, but she's willing to put the work in, especially if you continue to stand by her side as her lover.

- There have been some disturbing rumors about odd sounds under campus. It sounds like an older woman's trapped down there, desperately trying to get someone to release her. Are there any other voices down there? (Potentially features Barberry, Naomi, and Suzie).

- Enjoy a fun-filled afternoon with Suzie and Naomi, in which they work through some lingering frustrations with Professor Barberry.

- Enjoy your time running the coven with Barberry by your side, depending on whether she's your wife or just your ally.

- Turn Professor Barberry into a demoness, so that the two of you can rule the demon world together.

- Sell Barberry and her daughters to a group of demons that intend to use them for breeding purposes. She'll beg you to strike a deal, and it's up to you if you want to follow through with it or not...

- Use a purple light to permanently alter Mrs. Wilson and Mona.
- If sending women to the auctions, inform Mrs. Wilson and Mona that their fate will be a little different. You've decided to donate them for free to a homeless charity, leading them to realize they wouldn't have even been worth anything on the stage. And now their fate is to get enjoyed over and over again at a very cheap discount.

- Take Sofia out to her workplace, where the two of you share a quiet and romantic meal. Bring out Sofia's permanent bimbo side, along with a decision on whether she should be aware of the physical transformation or not.

- See the long-term effects of a permanent swap between Rio's mom and Sofia.

- Play into Sofia's desires. She won't have to worry about anything for the rest of her life as long as she continues to serve your needs.

- Spend some time with Sofia's submissive throat, humiliating and taunting her all while you enjoy getting her as sloppy as possible.

- Give Sofia a new form (Tay Melo).

- Time travel back in time to take Sofia's virginity.

- Depending on whether the nuns view you as a god or not could have an interesting effect on their future.

- If you have the nuns loyal to you and swore an oath to the queen, create a dark future where the church now worships her instead of Delia and reveres her as a goddess, with you as the master of ceremonies.

- With the convent intact as you found it, you might as well stop by and enjoy some time with your favorite nuns, potentially including Johanna, Lisa, or Mother Superior.

- You've done so much swapping back and forth between yourself, Mona, Monica, and Mrs. Wilson, that it's basically become impossible to remember who's who. In fact, you're now permanently stuck in Mona's body, not that you really mind though.


- If you've mastered the brown light, transform Heather into Alexa Bliss.

- If Jill and Heather swap bodies, see how that affects Heather with the rest of her life. Will she be happy? Will she be terrified? Time will tell...

- Check in on Fuller, Johanna, and the bimbofied fratbro depending on the decisions you made for each. What are their lives like? Is there any hope for them or are they going to just be locked away for all of eternity?

- If you've kept Fuller around and made some alterations, continue toying with them long after you've taken over the school, making it clear that they'll never stop you, even if you let them remember their past before playing around with them again. Maybe you'll even get their wife to help, once she realizes you're the man she's always wanted.

- If you chose to send Zahra back to the warehouse against her will, you can have some fun with her until she's fully mindbroken. The only reality she'll know for the rest of eternity is one by your side as your hapless caged servant.

- If you previously tormented Rio before boarding Zahra up with her, transform into a monster again to have some more fun with both.

- Grant Zahra a new form (Gianna M).

- Find Rio and Stacy walking their respective partners. Rio still needs some encouragement from Zahra that she isn't being cruel, but Stacy loves pushing Raven to her limits.

- Kylie still has a lot to learn about how the world works as a woman. Help Heather and Nikki teach 'her', even if there's some growing pains for a bit. It's up to you whether Heather should show a little empathy, especially if you want Kylie to be the newest addition to the cheerleaders.

- Enjoy Sally as the 'secretary' of your growing empire. If she gets out of line, remind her how easily replaceable she is with one of your demonic allies.

- Sally's gotten too cocky for her own good, she might be loyal to you, but she still has a lot to learn about the hierarchy of the world. It's time to put a stop to her conspiracy theories and get her under proper control.

- Sally always knew not to trust the demons, and now that she has your backing, she's free to not only stamp them out on Earth, but throughout the universe as well. Hopping from realm to realm, you help her accomplish her goals, leading to hedonistic celebrations after every successful extermination.


- Help the non-lightcasters prove their worth after the campus is under your control. Rio, Chang, Jill, and Sofia can help you hunt down rogue lightcasters while you focus on more important things.

- Ms. Chang has always had a soft spot for you, but now there's something else thanks to that pink light. Still, after dealing with the coven, maybe it's time the two of you continued your voyeuristic fun in the library? It could even become a yearly tradition. Check in with her to see how her addiction and pregnancy are going.

- If Ms. Chang was recruited by the succubus and became a dark leader, she might receive you as a gift, at which point you'll help her recruit more people into the queen's army with propaganda. If you fail, you'll be appropriately punished (with clips from phantomisle).

- Grant Nikki a new form (athlete Alex Morgan).

- She still has some learning to do, but you're more than willing to continue training Tammy and Erica in how to be proper young ladies in your new world order.

- If you've helped Naomi recover from her madness, see how she's adapted to the new world, and whatever fate you've sentenced her mother (and sister?) to.

- Christy's been a bad girl, or at the very least, you're willing to say she's been so that you have a reason to personally train her to be the very best secretary she can be.

- If you dissolved the Maywood's marriage, then Christy might be able to weasel herself in as a new 'stepmom' for Brittany.


- If Jill permanently loses weight, she might start getting cocky and expecting everyone to do whatever she asks. Show her that she still has to work hard like everyone else, and you're not going to treat her better just because she's really hot now. If Nikki and Heather around, gain the chance to permanently alter Nikki and then similarly taunt Nikki and Heather for thinking their looks give them a pass to behave however they want.

- Stacy and Brittany have an interesting history together. Reveal the truth to Stacy and let her decide how she wants to process it, with or without Brittany's blessing. If she gets her memories back and suffers the consequences, will you allow her to continue suffering or snap your fingers and clear her mind of her past trauma?

- Speed up Stacy's pregnancy so Brittany doesn't feel alone (or just do it to make a baby-less Brittany jealous!).

- It's been a long time coming, but if you've brought Brittany and Stacy together under a shared fate (contract, marriage, etc.) then Stacy might realize that her perfect role in both of your lives would be as Brittany's mistress (and your continued lover as well).

- If you had a revealing conversation with Brittany about Stacy's origin, and want to pursue that further, you can unlock an epilogue where you work on training them together, with an accident turning Stacy into something new (Korra del rio).

- Time travel back in time to take Stacy's virginity (after Brittany changed her).

- If you've taken over the brothel from Cassandra and broken Rio's will, put her in charge of the place as its reluctant (but willing) madame.

- At the brothel, Sofia and Monica are being brats and need to get punished (either at Cassandra's urging or your own). Then, depending on Rio's status and personality, she might get roped into the punishment as well, even if she was previously being a good girl.

- When you put Cassandra up for sale at an auction, no one could predict that she'd get bought by a bunch of demons, or that they'd end up spending an eternity indulging themselves in pleasure with her body.... Okay, that last part is probably more predictable.


- If you took over Mr. Maywood's business and made Mrs. Maywood your secretary, there might be some sexual tension when you bring in Becca as well. The two of them will have to compete for your affection, though Mrs. Maywood rightfully believes she has the advantage.

- If you're running the motel and helped Emily find some inner peace, have her show up as the secretary of your establishment, where the two of you can discover new ways to mix business and pleasure.


Lord Mistfire (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?
2023-02-02 21:17:18 Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?

Is there going to be an option to permanently turn yourself into a girl or a shemale (doesn’t have to be a bimbo) before the end and play like that?


Not before the end of the game, but there is currently an epilogue up for voting in the polls do have the player permanently become a woman alongside every other male in the world.

Lord Mistfire (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 22:25:42 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.
2023-02-03 17:14:59 Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.

Yeah I saw that. A bit disappointing that it can only happen in an epilogue, I’d have loved to be able to change yourself early in the game and being able to play like that. But I suppose that would probably take a lot of work to do.

CJ Hebert

I Can Not Download .340d All I Get is .340a Again!!


You need to use the .340d link to download the html file and then replace your existing html file with it.

Alpha TG

Hey G. Could you highlight or mark what's newly been added to the dev map from the poll results please? kinda hard to keep track of what's been added (sorry if I've missed something that already says this)


That'd be really annoying to do because sometimes I edit existing things to include new ones or remove old ones to combine them with others. If you want to know what got added, you can see the poll results that I post at the end of each month alongside the updates.

Miller Smith

Could you please give us a little more time so that we can do everything!!! The game always ends on the Monday after the wedding, what the heck. Give us more time, otherwise you can stop it altogether. If I'm not the only one who thinks like that, we'd rather invest our money in other projects where people sometimes listen to us.


There is already a checkpoint system in the game for people that want to accomplish more than they're supposed to. But I don't want to hear about any bugs that result from it.


The photos and vids aren't loading on my download anyone know a fix?


The images folder needs to be in the same folder as the html file itself. If you're just trying to play an 'update only' file without having all of the other files downloaded too, then it won't work (see the installation instructions for more details).


You're either not unzipping the folder correctly or you're trying to access the wrong html file. If you want to send me screenshots on Discord, I can try to help guide you through it.


Yeah, about that. Does loading a checkpoint change any variables other than the event call, time, weekday, and date?


Nope. It is literally there just for people that want to spend infinite time doing actions without regard for story cohesion or anything else.

Cloud Gaming Show (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-21 11:01:33 idea, since this is very long. You could bold added parts, if you add any so people can quickly see what was added since the last change?
2023-09-20 06:25:39


Well the issue with that is that I'd then have to go back and un-bold all of the parts that were previously added every time. The dev map has been up for years so I didn't really see any need to expend more effort on maintaining it than what I've already been doing.


So been away for a bit, just downloaded latest. Played from start, enslaved the demons during Hell Week, but they don't urn up on the Sat. with rest of your contracted girls. This a change or a bug?


It could be a bug, but without any save file I can't know what you did for sure.


my photos wont load whats the fix


Wondering if there was any chance that CD will ever get mobile ports. It seems like it would be a great game to play on a mobile device


You can play it on most mobile devices, you just need to google how to run/install files. Or if you don't feel like doing that, you can play it on sites like mopoga.com through your phone instead.


Just to let everyone know, there's an issue with Patreon that keeps making this dev map post crash every time I try to edit it now. At least for the foreseeable future, modifications to it will be done through Discord instead. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but there's really nothing I can do about it.

Robert Hilberling

i look forward to reading the endings. thanks for all the fap material thus far!


Your story is in my top 2 picks in this genre. But from a technical point of view: Why not upgrade Tween 1.4.2 (as this update was like more than 6 years ago) to 2.3.x?


Because this version allows me to keep each update in its own story file and then merge them together when I do the actual build. I know there's an app for Twine 2 that's supposed to work similarly, but I had issues getting it to work and it was generally more complicated than the one that's built into Twine 1.4.2.

Scott Snelling

Are there any plans to (later on) add more options in the early parts of the story? Particularly the 2nd dinner where you can bribe Brittany, but the other 2 options are just 'gain xp' because they are high level lights.


Yeah I know some of the early options are comparatively lame, but would you prefer me going back and spending time beefing them up or just moving forward with the story? I think most people would prefer to see new content and expand on relationships rather than revisit old stuff :(.

Scott Snelling

I agree that continuing story should be the higher priority - which is why I asked about (later on). Personally, I love the tidbits you get from different routes through things (like having "Kitty" investigate different options, or the difference between meeting your professors out on the town, etc). And right now, for the most part, the first 2 days only ever have 2 routes, and very little changes based on those picks. Ie, nothing consequential changes in the story or the options you have later. The only consequence is some changes to the girls' stats, and which lights you're good at. Keep pushing the story forward, but I'd definitely love to see an occasional update that adds some more depth or such to the initial days. And the best news for me would even just be that once the timeline is 'complete' that you'd be wanting to go back and add more options. Even if it takes a year or more to reach that point. From a design perspective though, going back after that much time can often be more work than doing it when it's fresher in your memory. No matter which route, I've been enjoying the game!


Thanks, I'm glad to hear that. Yeah, it's possible once the game is 'complete' that I might go back and change stuff here or there, but I figured it'd be more interesting for people to start up a new game and a new story to interact with new characters. I guess we'll see what the general mood is when we get there lol.

Kevin Daley

In my case it’s around missing content in the library and last gift shop run. You literally do not do anything their. In the gift shop Lydia is not their yet we know for a fact that she is their. While we can go to the library multiple times yet never (if not realated to another cherictor) talk to chan, why are we not talking to the one person who knows shit and is willing to talk to use about it.


Both of the characters you're complaining about are ones that don't do well in polls at all. Writing takes time :(.


Curious as to which is your first :D


There is no first I like both of them equally. And its Student X-Change Program. The female student is the protagonist there. But I keep coming back here more for 1 story a day. Hoping the author will use all college days and vacations between them (~1000 gameplay days worth of material).


I do want to use all the holidays and vacations (like Halloween and Thanksgiving), so I'm hoping to keep this game going until around the end of the first semester.


Only one semester was hoping for more. I am a guy who prefers long series over movies. Still, I will be playing this story till the end.


im looking forward to see where Karen Porter's story goes and some info on historic events of the past to see why there is a family feud!


Haha, we'll definitely get there. There's some upcoming Karen stuff that I think will be of particular interest to you ;).

siravit glomgliang

I want to see the children of young women who have me as a father in the future.


You'll have to wait until the epilogues for that, but there'll definitely be more pregnancy content in the future ;).

siravit glomgliang

I dream of having a harlem and having a lot of children. This game meets me. I love this game.

Kevin Daley

Plus it’s not the standard harem. This dude is willing to share and even be cocked as long as it’s hot. So meny more options


I like the way the story is progressing. Seems there are now allegencies being formed. Will be interesting to see who/what the enemy has in store for us.

Kevin Daley

ya it seems like we have 6 factions indipendent (you), rio, witches, demons, the drug lord and the queen with a few minor factions here and their like the porters. it makes you wonder who is part of who and just how loyal they are to it


A location where we can store characters in and also interact with them at a later time?! I've never been so excited for an update, wow. That sounds fun! 10/10 can't wait.

Halima Abdi

Definitely looking forward to permanently transforming Devin and Kyle down the line, or more content with Jane!


Chokers r cool


none of the images are loading for me. Any suggestions?


Are you playing on a phone? Did you follow the installation guide?

dovah martin

so monday and beyond after you defeat titus huh? i beat him on thursday august 15 so i cant wait till i can go further.

dovah martin

great content so far tho really enjoy the enternal contracts


Yep, the game has to get expanded one day at a time, but we're slowly getting there :).

Kyesi Shackelford

Ayo this coming weekend is 🔥 Can't wait for then updates💯💯💯


Just a though, any interest in doing something about other demons like Keera? It seems that player have a good relationship with her if you choose swap them on your side.


Yep, if you press ctrl + f and type her name in, you'll find that her and the other demons are due to show up quite a bit in the future.


Thank you for your reply. I realized that everyone has a favorite character. It is difficult to give each character a balanced chance to show up. At least you've done a good job so far

Inflatable Gibbon

wouldn't mind seeing more relationship content for Lydia. You can go pretty focused on her for the first few days then she's relegated to an occasional hook up.


If you'd like to see more content with specific characters, then you need to vote in the monthly polls or upgrade to a tier with scene requests ;).


How do I find you guys on discord?


can you guys provide a map to help us choose what we need to pick to get to the different outcomes


You can google around, some people have made them up to certain points, but that would take way too much time for me to do. There's a lot of content in the game, and if you start making a chart of your own as you play you'll quickly see why most people don't want to do it.


yeah no worries. trying to get a different ending without any help is very hard and a little annoying maybe create a skip to feature or something like that?


When the game's actually finished, you'll be able to explore other epilogues (like how it works at the end of the DnD sessions), but if you want to create checkpoints that you can hop around in, someone made a mod for that on F95.

Brandon Yo

I'm confused where do you download this game?


The link and installation instructions are in the weekly update post. It should be literally right below this post you commented on. If you still can't find it, click the tag at the top for 'release', you'll see all of the posts that way as well.

Uncle Bounce

The Roadmap looks good. BTW, waned to let you know that I have much respect for your game and your game design style/work ethic. So many "digital game theorists," like literary novel know-it-alls, who have so much expertise with very little experience, are always certain that games have to fit into specific molds and streamlined models to be effective/efficient. You, like many of the other greatest adult (and non-adult indy) games out there, break those conventions into thousands of little pieces. The replayability and enjoyability of your product, because of its depth and choice of options and consistent character persona/developments, is top tier. You're well on your way (almost there, in fact) to making a masterpiece of an adult text game. Keep doing what you do in the style that makes you you.


Haha, thanks! I can only hope it lives up to expectations when it's all finished :).


You have to download the public version and the update separately. Then you need to replace the html folder and the images folder in your files and relaunch the game. We the patrons, are the ones installing the updates to the main game until the creator makes a new public release that combines all the files with all the bug fixes.

Lord Mistfire (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2024-03-29 10:37:22 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.
2022-04-23 00:14:51 I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.

I love this game, I’d like to see some sort of sandbox mode that doesn’t have a limited amount of days.


You can find a mod that does something like that on F95zone.

JJS (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-23 07:02:18 Are the content points on the roadmap in the order of what you're going to work on?
2022-06-06 18:43:08 Are the content points on the roadmap in the order of what you're going to work on?

Are the content points on the roadmap in the order of what you're going to work on?


Yes, for the most part. Sometimes I might skip over an event and go back to it if it turned out be more complicated than I expected, but generally speaking, everything is done in order from top to bottom.

Daniel M

I'm guessing that is the botnet mod that lets you see the points for each choice but also lets you create checkpoints. If you load a check point, all the stuff you did after you created it still happened so you can create a checkpoint to let you do everything on a screen. I just used it so I could see points, but I think I will try the checkpoints on a new playthrough.


Any Chance To Creat a Bimbo Family/Coven ??


There'll be more support for it with requests and poll results, but there will be something at a bare minimum no matter what. There might even be stuff related to that already on the dev map, but I don't know off the top of my head.