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If you've been waiting for a full file pack, then here it is. For everyone else, there's an update to the HTML file that adds the dinner scenes for Sofia and Jake. These are those replayable scenes I talked about before, and they're the kind of content you'll regularly see in 'free roam periods' moving forward, where you essentially get the opportunity to continue someone's training or experience a scene you would've otherwise missed the first time it was offered.

Just to let everyone know, you'll see red links for the other characters to eat dinner with. They're not in the game yet, work's still continuing on that, so if you click on them now you'll just get an error. The next update will be on Monday :). 

EDIT: Well, it was out for about 10 minutes until someone found a time travelling bug. This version should fix that. 

EDIT2: And then more bugs. Everything should be good now (hopefully).

.041a (Download if you didn't download all the previous separate files)



.041c (Download if you were already up to date with .040 or need to patch .041a)



.041a (Download for a fresh install of the whole game)




Sincere K

is there another update coming because of all the red links that are there and when I try to use the blue links I get a red link error when I try to move forward after completing the scene. I just want to know also because I thought .43 was the update that was supposed to come out this weekend.


There's going to be another update on Monday, so right now this is just an idea of what the replayable scenes look like moving forward.

Sincere K

okay I just know your original plan was to finish all of friday with like a giant scene involving monica and her mother so I wasn't sure if this was the last one or not


Yeah, that's still in the outline, but it's not in the actual game yet. Sorry. I'm working through this stuff as fast as I can, but it's a lot lol.

Sincere K

It's all good I'm just looking forward to making my first permanent decision lol.

(⋈◍ ˃ᴗ˂ ◍)。✧BONSAI ✧。

you can create an loop, after getting into the library with rio i grad dinner and "eat with sofia and rio" then i pick the orange light and the path with many children im back at brittanys party. i can get as mutch corruption and experience as i like because after the party there is this succubus and kitty scene.


Make sure you're running .041c (not a) or download the newest build in the weekly update. That should fix it. Thanks!