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First off, I just want to thank everyone for helping to reach the second goal ($500!). That means I can put more time into the game, which means more events and content on a monthly basis for all of you!

With that in mind, this update is going to be spread across three days, which means some events are going to start being 'scene replays' for certain characters. These are events that you can either replay if you haven't seen them before, or get something in a similar theme if you've already visited the first instance. 

A good example is Brittany's latest bimbofication scene, where Stacy takes her to your room for a 'punishment'. In this update, when you bimbofy Brittany in Stacy's presence, she'll take you back to the room to continue this line of training. This will have an impact on regular Brittany over time, causing her to start treating Stacy like her mistress and speak in an airheaded manner. These changes will not permanently last though unless you commit to them in a final push when the time is right (at the end of her arc). 

Other examples include Jake and his three paths that were previewed in his dream (Masculine, Feminine, and Dependent). When you mess with him in these free roam periods, you'll similar work towards these paths and alter how he starts behaving. For instance, if you keep making him more and more feminine, you might catch him looking at women's underwear instead of playing video games in the dorm. Again though, no final changes until you choose the option when it's presented. 

Aside from that, here's how the votes went for this month's poll: 

Mrs. Wilson + Monica: 48 (8 events)

Ms. Hill: 34 (3 events)

Kayla Porter + Karen Porter: 29 (2 events)

Mrs. Maywood (Phone): 27 (1 event)

Math Prof. Nadir: 13 (1 event)

Kyle + Heather: 11 (1 event)

Lydia + Jill: 11 (1 event)

English Prof. Ward: 10 (1 event) 

Jake: 9

Science Prof. Patel: 7

History Prof. Barberry + Suzie: 6

Philosophy Prof. Stein: 0

Brittany (1 event)

Rio (1 event)

I'm going to assume that Professor Stein got 0 votes across both polls only because most people didn't get to play the update with her when they made their choices. I don't think my heart could take any other reason. 

Now you'll notice that Jake just barely didn't make the cut, but he'll still have the scene replay options at dinner time and in the dorm room, so you'll still be able to make progress with him even if nothing 'unique' happens this update. Similarly, Mrs. Maywood might only have '1' event, but it'll be a beefier one (hello moderate purple light) to compensate for the fact that she did get quite a few votes. I also received a suggestion for teleportation shenanigans via black light, so you'll be able to see Mrs. Maywood in person this update if you're willing to pay a little corruption along the way. 

Other events are still a little nebulous right now, so I can't give a full outline until next week. I can give general scenarios that I want to hit on with this update, just remember they're not exactly in a particular order right now: 

- You and Rio will discover the Archives in the library, though you'll be able to accomplish this in a variety of means, depending on your stats and if you try to use your magic on the librarian. Alternatively, if you already unlocked the Archives, Ms. Chang will let you and your 'target' through with a wink.

- Mrs. Wilson will show up looking for her daughter and will have a conversation with you about what the two of you did that night in the hotel (if you went back with her). She'll also DEFINITELY have a conversation with you if you impregnated her that night. For people clamoring for a different Mrs. Wilson actress, this will also be your chance to bimbofy her and see her young counterpart. 

- When you and Rio visit the library, you'll unlock a study action for free roam periods to get a small amount of light experience across multiple categories without spending any energy.

- Wednesday night, after Mrs. Wilson has arrived and started looking for her daughter, she'll call and ask to meet with you, at which point you'll have another scene, although she'll be acting a little strange... Jake will also show up during any sexy scenes here and you can tell him to fuck off, let him watch, or let him join in. 

- During your morning English class or during your Philosophy class, you'll be able to talk to Lydia and smooth things over, either through stats or with the help of a minor light, to make her forget about any nasty thing you've done and make her chill with you again. 

- You'll be able to visit the Gift Shop again in this update during the free roam period to buy any energy boosting items that you might not have already gotten before. 

- On Thursday, you'll finally find Monica, though I'll leave the rest of that encounter for the actual update :). 

- Thursday night, you'll also be able to wander the streets and find Professor Ward and Professor Nadir at a local bar. There, you'll be able to interact with them and maybe even get them to drink more than they otherwise would. The next day you'll then get to deal with a very hungover Professor Nadir in the middle of class. 

- On Friday, there'll be a scene with Kyle and Heather where you can possess either one of them, as well as bimbofy Heather (even during possession). You can also use a green light to pay Kyle to gangbang Heather or have a private go at her. Not sure what the final light will be, likely just a brown light for an FFM threesome, but might be a different light if I can figure out something more unique.

- Friday is also when Ms. Hill will show up, and this is when her three events will take place in succession. You'll be able to do a lot here, especially if you made Jake convince her to sleep in your bed for the trip or told her to wear more revealing clothing. 

Alright, that's all the stuff planned right now. Obviously there are still quite a few events to work into the schedule, but I'll have all of that figure out by next week. 

Before I end this, I wanted to mention the Discord poll. While most people, something like 77%, were against integration, there were some good ideas mentioned about why it might be useful, even for a smaller group of people. Reporting bugs and making content requests will be a lot easier there, so I think I'll implement it in the future. I read more into it and saw that users have to approve/seek out the integration anyway, so it's purely opt-in. I didn't know that at the time I made the poll, I thought it just auto-connected if you had your Discord account connected to Patreon. Anyway, it probably won't get done until the end of the month when I have more time to mess around with it and work out kinks, but just wanted to mention that. And, of course, even with Discord up it won't replace the Patreon site as the primary source for information. 

I think that's everything, let me know in the comments if you have any questions about what's coming up. 


Colby Sherrard

I like the sound of this update! Not sure if my suggestions meant anything, but I appreciate the implementation of the sharing/gangbang stuff! 👍

Sentimental Penguin

Yep, I'd like to see more MMF/sharing/gangbang stuff. It would be cool things to do with Jake, Kyle, or our rat of a cousin.