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Alright, I fixed the major gift shop bugs that Red Claw and Astre pointed out (thanks again) and I'm writing this post while I wait for those files to get uploaded. By the time I finish this, I should be able to post the new links for everyone to grab it. 

In terms of what I have planned for the coming month, I have a few thoughts. 

1) I am never, ever, ever doing branching dialogue the way I did it with Kyle, Jake, and Ms. Chang again. It took way too long, had way too many bugs, and I feel like it didn't even really do much to add to immersion. 

I think it's much better to let the player choose basic dialogue responses to set the mood of the conversation, and letting info come out like that rather than  letting them essentially shop around for bits. 

If you're confused by what I mean, just look at how your conversation with Mrs. Maywood goes at the beginning of the game when she asks about your roommate. You can pick an option and choose how you want to roleplay your character, but the story moves forward afterwards, it doesn't cycle back to let you choose the other options like the way I instituted those dialogue trees in this release. Anyway, never doing that again.

2) Since the Maywoods will be leaving campus for this next update, I'm going to start experimenting with the monthly polls. I'm going to show the basic outline I have right now, but it's pretty barebones. Not because I don't have ideas, but just because I want to see what kind of stuff people are interested in exploring. With that in mind, the next poll is going to be smaller in scope, but voters will be able to vote for as many options as they want. Professors still get 3x the votes, of course, but now we should see a more widespread mix of choices being elevated. 

The actual winner of the next poll will get several special events, but I want to see which characters get a lot of love, and then those will be the ones that have the various events throughout the days.

3) I should also mention that I am still finishing up the last release and should have it done by Saturday. As I previously talked about, it will include night options for the Maywoods at the hotel, Jake in your dorm, and Lydia at her apartment (if you previously got her number). 

Alright, on to the actual outline:

Classes are going to start, and at least for this release, attendance is mandatory. Monday, Wednesday, Friday are one set of three classes and then Tuesday and Thursday you have a set of two classes. Everything adds up to the same amount of time spent, so that by the time you get out of classes it'll be Early Evening, regardless of which day of the week it is. Of course, in later releases you'll be able to skip classes, but that won't be available right now. 


English - You'll meet Professor Ward, who's a younger professor and still a bit inexperienced when it comes to teaching. But, she cares about her students and almost has a maternal instinct towards them, despite the fact that she's not much older than them. You'll share this class with Sofia, Lydia, and a new character named Devin. 

History - You'll meet Professor Barberry, who you might have already discovered as Suzie's mother. She's a no-nonsense woman who is fiercely protective of her daughter. You'll share this class with Monica, Suzie, Jill, and Kyle. 

Math - You'll meet Professor Nadir, who is a shy woman who focuses on math as a way of overcoming her anxieties. You'll share this class with Jake, Heather, Nikki, and Kayla. 

I should mention that all of these classes will have light opportunities, I just haven't decided what kind for each yet. After classes are over, you'll be able to get dinner with a variety of characters: Jake, Rio and Sofia, Lydia and Jill. 

Depending on how the polls go, new events with characters will go here (such as coming across someone in the hall, getting invited to check out a movie, etc. etc.). 

Afterwards, you'll go back to your dorm to sleep or, if you unlocked certain conversations with Ms. Chang previously, visit the library. 

Dorm Room - Here, you'll be able to call Mrs. Maywood and interact with her before going to bed, or talk to Jake/make him call Ms. Hill so you can talk to her. 


Science - You'll meet Professor Patel, who is a bit absentminded when it comes to personal affairs, but absolutely focused when it comes to her passion: science. You'll share this class with Brittany, Tom Porter, and Rio. 

Philosophy - You'll meet Professor Stein, who tries to help his students and offer them guidance whenever he can. You'll share that class with Tom Porter, his friend Eric, Monica, and Lydia.

Like the other day, from here you'll choose who to spend time with depending on how the polls turn out. 


That's everything I've got planned for right now, we'll see what direction everyone wants to go in by next week. From now on, I'm going to make polls and monthly content requests end on the Monday closest to the 7th and 14th, respectively. That way I can incorporate that material in my outline and share it with you all more easily. 

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!



thank you for the hard work


I'm just trying not to let you down, Aakan. :)

Red Claw

Sounds interesting. Interested to see were everything goes.