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The first release of College Daze is completed and ready to be downloaded and played. There are a lot of moving parts in it, so feel free to report any bugs or errors you find and I'll do my best to fix them before the next update, which will be available on December 28th.  

Version 0.001a 




Image Pack 






I was extremely impressed after downloading this off of a porn website. I really hope that the quality is kept the same! I do however think that you should probably keep personal requests to a one time kind of thing. I fear otherwise you might get overwhelmed or promise too much, especially whenever you gather a following.


The other option would be to make the request a higher tier whenever you gain popularity. That way you in a way supported your early birds. BUT keep in mind that some early birds might not like that privilege having been taken away from them.


Yeah that was a hard thing for me to decide on as well. Right now the plan is to just bust out as many direct requests as I can, especially ones that kind of go in sync with the content I'm already developing. Later, if there somehow hundreds of requests a month, I'd essentially just comb through it to pick which ones I'll do for that month. Thanks for the feedback though.


Yo, same as Aakan found your game and was seriously impressed by it so far. Most games only go for one state of corruption per character. With the opportunity it seems with this game to maybe have upwards of 5 corruption states per character based from the mental transformations and physical you've done so far. So you could end up with a girlfriend who is either your mother, or daughter, slave or just plain bimbo that's actually pretty amazing. That said though I'd also be worried about doing to much to soon. Because that's a massive amount of content to do even for the 'starter' characters we've been introduced to and going deeper on the side characters who only got a quick single scene this early could see yourself spread too thin. That all said though I'm sending all my luck to you for this because this so far has some of the best potential for a game that I've seen in ages.


Hey thanks, and yeah, I know a lot of people are worried about content spreading out too much, but I think after the next update people will start to see kind of the game's long-term trajectory and how it's handled. Since the game isn't a pure sandbox, I have a lot of control over when characters can be permanently altered and how. That helps me reduce the number of permutations for a given scene and ensure, for instance, that someone can't possibly be bimbofied even if the player has max brown light experience if I haven't actually allowed them to encounter the option yet. That said, I still want individual scenes to get crazy because, like you said, it is fun just seeing the weird combinations that can come from altering a character in multiple ways.


Aye I hear you on that. Combinations is where its at for true amazing corruption games being able to shape a character exactly how you want and seeing how their own self is essentially overiden and how their new self interacts with others cannot be beat. Also just a thought I had while playing but the 'Wind' and 'Rain' lights, I'm not entirely sure if it wouldn't be better to just combine them into a universal 'Elemental' light instead. That way you've got one less light to worry about leveling plus you can throw in a whole range of other elemental effects when needed, like fire (setting dresses alight), and earth (making the ground literally move for them). Adding to that, although this would be my personal perference rather than anything else and it may be a goddamn pain to impliment so this is probably more a 'ignore' as it could be stupid but maybe make the elemental lights like modifiers rather than a full option because the one thing I did notice is that when you have the option of blowing a gale to lift skirts or literally making someone a woman, the transformation is always going to win, meaning it'll likely always be the unpicked option but if you make it so it's something you can spend a little bit more energy on to add the elementals stat to another option, for instance lust makes you grope someone, throw in a modifier and there's a small earthquake so they literally fall into your hands to grope. So it could basically up your chances of certain things happening but having to spend a bit more to do. Again I know adding 'modifiers' is probably a pain in the goddamn ass and if you have some really decent ideas that makes the elemental stuff worth having over alterization scenes then this probably is just worth ignoring. Anyhow sorry if any of this seems like i'm demanding stuff out of you. You've got your roadmap marked down in your head and no matter what happens I'm excited to see where this is heading.


No worries about throwing out ideas, I'm always happy to hear them. And, yeah, I've heard a few people now complain about the elemental effects being very similar, so I'm working on making them having a little more identity in the next update. The Wind one in particular is going to delve into some bdsm-type stuff where you essentially bind a person with ropes of air, stuff like that. I'm thinking -- and I know this will sound crazy -- that the Rain path might add shrinking. My logic is that you're making yourself or another character the size of a raindrop, so that's why it's different than transformation lol. I know it's a stretch, but I'd rather look for ways to create more color identities than condense them.


Lol it's certainly out there. Still, it opens the pathway to vore and such; though never know if that's a good or bad thing. XD