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Hey everyone!

As 2023 is drawing to a close it comes time for a brand new art retrospective!

This is like the 6th year in a row that I make these, but it never stops feeling weird looking at the stuff that came in the first half and being like "what? I drew that this year? I could swear that was a long time ago"

Looking at all of it in a birds eye view like this, Im actually more satisfied with the quality we had this year than I thought I would be. I remember having this whole crisis period in the first third of the year about my animations being bad and boring, but every single month after that featured some of my all time favorite animations so I think I managed to steer it in a good direction

The main issue that I had this year was with the quantity of works I put out, although the silver lining in this case is that I had an excuse! 

In 2023 it was the first time I've actually done contracted work as an artist. I worked with the wonderful folks at Bewere to do a picture for their 2024 calendar (which I can finally talk about!), but a huge chunk of my workload this year has been in another project that I can't talk too much about yet! Just know that 2023 was probably my busiest year as an artist so far, even though I ended up posting slightly less public images hahaha

Other big highlights of the year were my first international trip! (The one that I didn't tell anyone about until I was already overseas 😛), oh, and actually sitting down to seriously learn how to draw, and getting banned for streaming on twitch for streaming art (but getting 500 viewers while doing so!), and finally paying proper respects to Shirokuma Cafe by making a good pic about it after 6 years

Speaking of 6 years, thats the same amount of time I've been making these silly retrospective images with my top artworks for each month. So I thought it would be a fun patreon exclusive to compile all of them into a single image! (at the bottom of the post because its absolutely massive!)

Well, I think that's enough rambling for now. I can confidently say that 2023 was the best year of my life yet and I can't wait to see where we can go from here! Thank you for sticking with me throughout this year and for reading this long rambly post. I really wouldn't be here without you guys.

Happy new year everyone. Seeya on the other side! 🥂




Will you continue to work on the game in itch?


As much as I'd like I can't really justify working on it right now. The response to it wasn't very good, leading to the biggest patron drop I've had (and haven't recovered from to this day). It's currently a case of the wrong project at the wrong time