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Hey everyone!

Here's the 2nd place winner of the patreon poll! (although I'm 100% cheating by pairing him with bowser here hehehe)

Holy shit I accidentally made this picture a bit too big, although... maybe it's ok? The issue here is that I wanted to make a 4:3 pic instead of my usual 16:9, but by doing that I also accidentally ended up with the best pixel art I've made so far?

It's weird! I gotta keep investigating it in the future. The only real bad side to this is that a higher canvas resolution slows down the time to make the pic exponentially, so we might have to come up with a better way to handle it in the future

Anyway, I'm just rambling at this point. Let me figure out how to improve things from here

For now, hope you like it! Coming up next is gonna be some special holiday stuff that I'm excited to work on

Seeya next time! 💋




I'd.. never thought of this pairing before, and I'm honestly so upset with myself, lol. This is beyond hot, and the only thing that would make it hotter is if they flip-fucked after Bowser finished. Top-Asgore is so rare.

Jurann MacRae

Have you considered or tried using the Animated PNG file format instead of GIF? PNG has better compression rates (including RLE similar to GIF) resulting in a smaller file. There are also tools which can compress GIF pretty well using only "frame change" data (though they are more likely to have display issues or display corrupted for some viewers).


it's not really an option at this moment because of lack of support from sites where I post it, I already have a lot of issues converting the animations around to post


This is amazing! Great work!