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Hey all!

Here's CG 3 (It's actually the only CG made so far hahaha) for the currently unnamed pokemon VN we're making

I'll admit I kinda goofed this month and didn't end up posting a new game version for you guys (Neither for this or pokebreeder). I've been focusing all of my available time into improving my art so I completely forgot about actually drawing new pieces this month, aside from some sketches from the stream

To make it up for you, I'll be releasing the source files for this animation for all my patrons. Plus in a day or two I'll be posting a step by step guide on how I made it (I took a few screenshots of the progress and will be adding my comments to them!), that will also be available to all my patrons

Well, hope you guys like this!




That look nice, and about the game.. I say.. at least you're studying and learning new tricks and improving, so that's ok with me.. I don't support you just because I only want art.. I want you to get better and better I want to be part of that and see how better you get as time passes... Cheers


That makes me incredibly happy man! I'm glad to have people like you along for the ride, you're the ones inspiring me to always do my best!