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Hey everyone!

It's finally time to reveal the secret project I've been working on constantly all month hahaha

I introduce you to Gloombrew Cafe!

The game is a chill, GBC styled management game where you're a human in a world of beastmen. You'll be mixing cocktails, serving beers and brewing coffee, all the while getting to meet some pretty interesting characters that have their own story routes

For now this is purely a gameplay demo, I have not included any of the story that's being developed for the game, only the actual managing part of the cafe

I'm really excited to hear what you think about it so far, and how we can keep working to make it better! After playing, I ask that you provide me with some anonymous feedback through the form:


Also, now that the gameplay demo is out I'll be contacting all patrons through private messages about your name being in the game's credits

That's all for now! I hope you have fun with the game! I kinda went over the line these last few weeks while making it hahaha

I might need a day or two of rest before getting right back in 😴

Anyway, seeya next time! 💋




I really like it so far, it’s a simple demo but the character design is really cute


I don't suppose that you can make this available on linux?


I cant make any promises about supported platforms, but I am currently looking into it


liked it