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Heya all!

Let's talk about the Pokebreeder project.

Right now I think we have a nice base for everything. We got a scene system in place with several animations for a lot of characters and even some more well-fleshed ones with cumming animations and all.

My question for you guys is "What's the next step you want us to take?"

There are so many different ways to take the game in right now. We could simly keep adding new scenes or animations with the same model we have right now, just releasing new versions as mini-galleries for them

We could also take the game itself a step further, maybe focus a bit more on the gameplay side, adding more stuff to do in the scenes or working on the "story part" of it, where you have to walk around collecting the pokemon you wanna have sex with in tiny "quests"

Or perhaps we could take it in different directions that I havent even thought about yet! I'd really really love to hear what you guys want to see!

As you'd expect this won't be like the usual voting we do here. I'd just like you guys to drop me any and all ideas of what you'd like to see in the game next! That's why you're here, to shape the content I make in the future!

Let me know what you'd want to see, leave a comment on ideas that you also support, you know the deal!



I find it very interesting to have this made into an actual game, like you said, maybe some quest will reward you some pokemon and some scenes maybe.. the more you progress the more you enjoin it of course.. If you want just to keep adding Pokémon that fine too, but I think its more rewarding if its like some sort of Game!.. Either way I'd still Love your decision, since of course I do love your Art!. Keep up the great work


Maybe add in some optional, story based choices, slight multi-path novel kinda thing. And that might effect what order you get your pokemon, or maybe if you end up being on the good or bad side of the law.


A story driven game is definitely a good way to go on with this, something like back stories and development. Maybe in the scenes add a gauge that needs to be hold in place (by changing speed/position etc) to finish the scene, something that gives them a bit of a challenge.


Hmmm adding a "game" being this far in development could end up being wonky, you're not really interested in changing too much of what you already have! However, making it a bit of a VN, or giving it a bit of VN parts before/after the sex scenes could be very interesting! Anyways, if I were you, I'd simply add more scenes till I reached a point where I'd feel "Hmm, this is more than enough content for this", and then I'd start working on something more ambitious =3


Maybe some gameplay stuffs? I'm always up for making a game core stable first :3 Maybe a special pokedex, or maybe a battle system that will remind ppl the one from regular games (If so, I'd suggest to let the level of pokemons being 100, save the efforts of level up), I'd say to save the efforts to draw too many new arts, and try to make the core by the assets we've got so long. Since it's a porn game, it'd be better to let ppl have the fun of the lewd parts asap, so I'm also up for making two modes, or maybe some cheating codes for doing this.


I think you should add some different unlock-able bonus features, like the ability to change sexual positions, and/or camera angles, and/or the ability to zoom the camera in and out, maybe even a way to control the characters more somehow during the sex scenes. You could create optional game play quests that the player would have to complete to unlock these special features.