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Hey folks

Me and Umari will be making a short VN together really soon (Sorta like the Teddy/Ozzie one I've made by myself in the past). Of course he'll be writing the story and I'll make the visuals

We've decided that the game will be set on the PMD universe and that one of the main characters will be a flareon, but haven't decided on the plot or species of the other main character yet!

That's where you guys come in! We've agreed that my patreon supporters will get to choose what the other main character is gonna be!

Vote away! As long as it's male we don't care. Just be sure to choose a sexy one!

Btw we'll also be opening up for suggestions on the plot as well. Keep an eye on my FA/Twitter!


Riiko Rattington

Smeargle? It's a good, bipedal middle of the road type that works well with a lot of others.


Hmm, you know what's not usually seen in VN/comics? Zoroark and his /camo-transforming/ abilities~ As in, PMd with one of them secretly being zoroark, not only could end up with some interesting choices por the porn, but a bit of character development, hehe! Lookin' forward to it tho <3


I would say Houndoom for example... Both of them would have this 'feral' kind of look. The only problem is that both of them would be fire type.