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Hey everyone!

Damn, I'm sorry for the delay on this week's animation. Me and like everyone around me got hit really really hard by the flu (thankfully no one tested positive for covid!) so I was unable to basically do anything for over a week

At this point I'm almost recovered though, just a bit of a throat ache that comes and goes like every day hahaha

Anyway, for this week here's a little piece I've owed Ross for a little bit! Next time I'll be posting the winner of the fanart poll so I hope you're excited for that!

Anyway, that's it for now

Seeya next time 💋






Glad ya doing ok

Razz Dazzle

Standing sex is so hot, I wonder if it's do do with the difficulty making it impressive. Ever cum while standing? Weak knees are a thing.


always love seeing polar patroller in action! hope he nailed that head shot