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Hey everyone!

Here we go, another one of the winning poll animations completed! Making all these pokemen animations after an entire year of not drawing them was pretty fun hahaha. For the next couple of ones I'll be focusing on making some fanart that you guys requested in the patreon poll and a couple of other ones I've had in the backburner for a little while now

I gotta say, I'm really pleased with how the colors turned out on this one! I also tried to really get out of my comfort zone with the background so I hope it turned out good enough

One thing I have to mention about this one is, holy fuck animating the fire is such a pain in the ass. Not necessarily the animation itself, but it was so time consuming to plan it out and then make everything line up with the animation loops and make it synch up to the transitions between scenes and stuff. It was a lot of work!

Actually it's probably due to the frames that we yet again reached a file thats too big for FA to handle even after I optmized it, so as always you're always able to see a bigger size version over on my twitter! https://twitter.com/im_mabit

Anyway, hope you like it!

Seeya next time 💋



luis lizardo

Would you ever convert these into mp4s? Gifs dont work well on everything and then I cant rewind or anything either


The final video versions are always mp4s, you can view these versions as the preview gif versions before I add the sound effects and convert to video