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Hey guys, thank you so much for your continued support!

We've managed to achieve the first really big goal, guaranteeing at least one major update on a game I'm working on per month.

Oh yeah just to make everything crystal clear, that applies to any game projects I'm developing at the time. So even if we finish the current one, we'll still have at least one update on another one I'm working on!

I'd also want to take this time to remember everyone who has become a patron recently, that your rewards for voting on the stuff you'd like to see are still open! Do check out a couple of my older posts so you'll be able to vote on them!

All votings are active right now, so you don't need to worry about voting in any of them!

Once again thanks so much for being with me for this wild ride, and I really hope you guys enjoy the content I create in the future!



Awesome :D You deserve it.


Yay ! congratz ^_^