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Hey everyone

Here we are, at the very last moments of the year (and the decade!) with yet another year of experiences on our backs. 2019 was an amazing year for us and I hope we get to make 2020 into an even better one!

You know, I was reading my 2018 retrospective post before writing this one. And holy shit what a downer that one was hahaha

This year started on what has been the lowest point of my life so far. I was in a really bad place mentally and only ended up truly finishing my master's at the end of october instead of in march as I had initially predicted last year

As the year went along and I continued having to worry about finishing my thesis, I didn't have a lot of time or energy to really dedicate myself to art like I wanted. I still think I've improved a lot this year though! I think my paintings are in a really neat place right now and I can't wait to see how things go from now on!

By the end of the year, even though I finished my master's, I got yet again into a really low mental point. Some stuff had been going on in my head for years now, and I just now properly asked for help on it and taking steps to fix everything

I'm in a much better place now though! I'm healing and I'm improving. I've made new friends and reconnected to old ones, and that's really helping me. It is really thanks to all of those amazing people around me that I can continue on with my head held high. Thanks guys

Alright, from 2020 on I'll be officially a full time creator so I'm really pumped with the stuff that I'll be able to make in the near future! Remember all the stuff that I promised back in 2018 that I was expecting to be able to do? They're happening within the next little while

Opening for commissions, the comic, this big animation project I still haven't complete, the game. They're all receiving some love in the near future. Mark my words, 2020 is gonna be a monumental year for me

So thank you guys. Thank you for being here for me for yet another year. Let's work to make the next one the best year yet!

Seeya on the other side, happy new year! ❤️




Thank you for always being honest and such an inspiration to many other artists I bet, we need more people like you. Have a great end of the year and happy New Year


From my perspective all I've seen is you go up up up! I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next year, but more than that I'm happy that you are in a better place 💝