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[EDIT: I've replaced the old static preview image with the one containing the rough animation for the scene]

Oof, this is taking way longer than I planned it to. I've been busy wrapping up a lot of my master's stuff so I've only been able to work on it from time to time. Although now that I've finished rendering the characters and got a rough sketch of the background things should be pretty close to completion (I might not be able to make too many closeups for this one, probably just an internal shot. Sorry!) 

Here's hoping that I get to finish and post this this weekend. I kinda have to go to a graduation ceremony on saturday, my birthday on sunday and then a meeting that I have to write a bunch of stuff for on monday so it might be a bit too tight of a deadline. I'll do my best though!

Either way, hope you like this preview so far. Seeya soon!




I say, take your time, don’t rush things, you have more important things to do and it’s just a few days, after that you’ll have much more time for doing what you want probably.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 10:20:43 I think you're doing amazing man go at your own pace stuff happen in life what matters is that your still going at at it strong when you can so no need for apologies ok. Thank you for everything you do. <3
2019-03-29 11:08:31 I think you're doing amazing man go at your own pace stuff happen in life what matters is that your still going at at it strong when you can so no need for apologies ok. Thank you for everything you do. <3

I think you're doing amazing man go at your own pace stuff happen in life what matters is that your still going at at it strong when you can so no need for apologies ok. Thank you for everything you do. <3