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Hey guys!

Oof, it does not feel like a week since I've last updated you guys. I'm kinda on super-crunch time right now so I don't see time passing.

Alright, first things that I gotta talk about: My master's thesis.

It's nearly done.


The bad part, there's officially a little countdown timer above my head now. I got roughly a month to finish writing the thesis, running the experiments, submitting it to the professors who will be evaluating it and then waiting for another month so I can finally defend it.

The good part, my machine learning algorithm has officially reached "human-like performance" and that's a huge relief that I finally achieved that at the very end of my study. Also I can tell that I'm just a couple of "long work sessions" away from finishing up the first draft of the thesis so I'll have plenty of time to review it with my professor before we can turn it in.

And then I'll be done with it


In other news, game dev stuff has been going along well in general. I started playing around in Unity so it shouldn't be long until I get a nice "conversation battle" demo ready for you guys to play around with.

Speaking of that, this week I plan on sketching out the visuals for that so expect another developer diary showing off that part of the game

This week I also plan on finally making another full painting to post here. I hope you like Agyou because I've drawn and redrawn him quite a few times already in order to make the sketch for this one :P (Also I'll try playing around a bit with my usual rendering style to see if I can improve it further)

That's about it for now. Hopefully everything will be taken care off by this time next month and we'll be returning to our usual "1 big upload per week" schedule. Well, except I'll probably be planning something fun to post on my birthday (March 31st *hint hint*) so that might take a bit to complete still

Hope you have an excellent week! Talk to you all later!



Hell yeah thanks for the update I can't wait to see what's coming my birthday is also march man