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Hey guys

Thought I was spending too much time on that SFW project, so decided it was high time I started making concepts for my NSFW game too

Here's all the game design I've came up with so far:

Not too many things are set in stone for now. All that I want is to have a game lightly inspired by Animal Crossing, where you can live this relaxing life with your animal buddies, but with a more in-depth relationship/dating/sex mechanics.

I've been toying with the idea of, instead of having a complete town, the player would be given a hotel or inn to manage. They could upgrade it to their liking by adding new rooms and decorating them, and the way you setup your inn would determine the kind of clients you'd most likely attract.

The clients could be defined by their species and personality and would be generated randomly based on your hotel's layout. You could tweak your hotel to get wolves more often, or chubbier guests, or more bottoms, or with specific kinks that you could satisfy, etc.

For the management part of the hotel, you would be able to manage both the building and staff. Perhaps you'd want to add "permanent" rooms which guests could move in indefinitely, or ones where they'd just spend the night so you could cycle through them more often. You could add saunas and hot springs both in the particular and open varieties, which could lead to their own unique sex scenes.

Aside from just playing as your main character, you would be able to hire more staff that you could swap to. So for example if you get a guest that has a fetish for polar bears and you have an employee of that species, you could play as him and satisfy the costumer for a bigger payout at the end of their stay

So yeah, the main themes that the game would explore would be customization and variety. You'd be essentially running a brothel and would be playing/watching sex scenes to satisfy customers and get money to be able to expand and do more stuff.

On the visual side of things, I'm leaning to making the world in a isometric view and having the characters moving in 8 directions. I was thinking about adding at least two separate body types (Fit and Fat) as you can see above, and honestly right now I can't see any others that I'd like to add because I don't really want to add slim guys to the game (maybe I could add a slightly shorter one? Not sure it's a good idea though, I don't want people thinking I'm adding kids to the game)

Also, having only two body types would allow me to animate them a lot more and to add many more clothing options for each, so that's something that might be acceptable. Anyway, here's a zoom in of the body types I've drawn:

You can also see above that I was playing around with human skin colors, although I don't know if I want humans to be present in this universe. I was mostly doing it because it's fun to mess around with

I think that's about all I've thought about the game so far.

What do you guys think of this pitch? Could it evolve into something worth playing? I really do want to hear any ideas and opinions you might have to help me shape this idea into something good.

As I've posted before, I'd like to at least have an alpha version of this game by the end of the year. So over the course of the next few weeks and months I'll be constantly coming back to this, making more assets, refining the planning, getting more feedback from you guys and etc

This is really different from all the stuff I usually post, but I think it's fun to just dump all the contents of my brain like this. I can't wait to see how you guys respond to it :P

Here's a little bonus from the SFW project I'm doing with my friends. I just started trying my hand at some running animations for the characters




I love this man please keep updating I'm so excited for what you have in store