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Hey hey hey, it's finally done!

I had this one sitting in my computer almost completed for quite a few weeks now. Last week I did a round of "Backlog Cleaning" where I asked my patrons which projects I should focus on finishing next and the overwhelming majority voted for this animation to be completed, so thank them for this!

I'm experimenting with a few things with this one, mainly stuff that would allow me not to take so much time to make these (As you can notice, no cheesy dialog or a plethora of different shots) while still hopefully making it equally as enjoyable

Feel free to tell me what you think of it, direct feedback like that is pretty much the only way to be sure if this stuff works and how I could improve it to make enjoyable stuff.

Anyway, hope you like it! I'm not 100% sure on what pokeman the next animation is gonna feature, so expect a patreon poll about it soon enough!

Seeya next time!



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