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Woohoo, double milestone!

Thank you thank you thank you so much for bringing me this far. I would not be here today if it wasn't for you

I wanted to make a good pic to celebrate but didn't have any cool ideas, so here's a pic of myself (and how it feels to have you guys showing me your support)

But really. Thank you.

I know those are really small numbers compared to a ton of other artists out there, but it really means the world to me. For my entire life I've always been someone that others didn't expect much from, I was always one of the dumb ones that barely managed to pass his classes and that had no talents or anything.

It burned really really bad to always be shoved to the side, forced to watch as other people that I knew were just given a ton of accolades and stuff. After feeling like that for a while and failing on my first entrance exams for my university, I decided that it was enough and I'd do something about it.

I started applying myself a bit more every time. Got really serious on my studies and even started to draw. The latter because I was always amazed by the art that people would make, and really wanted to be able to make pics like that.

1 year later I finally managed to get into university, although now being there wasn't exactly smooth. On my first year I had nearly failed every single subject. Forced to retake almost every single test and passing by a really small margin yet again.

Once I even overheard one of the teachers chatting about how she didn't think I was going to make it hahahaha.

Now if you're expecting that this should be when something magical happens, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Trust me, I really wanted to write something like "But then, something unexpected happened that changed my life forever!", but that isn't true.

I just kinda... kept moving forward. A lot of the people I knew at the time gave up, be it in certain subjects or the entire course. But I didn't.

It's weird what can happen if you just never quit. Over the years I slowly became a bit better at both studying and drawing. There was never really a "turning point" for me.

I did meet some of my closest friends too, both online and in "real life". They were one of the strongest pillars that helped me to keep going.

And now here I am, it's almost 8am and I've been awake all night finishing up this sketch and some other art stuff. I was one of the less than 25% of people that graduated on my course, I'm halfway through my master's degree, I got at least a bit of notoriety as an artist, and it finally feels like people stopped thinking I wouldn't amount to anything in my life.

It does feel a bit weird saying stuff like this though. I really don't want to brag about it, instead the feeling I'm trying to get across is "Hey! I was nothing! No one expected anything from me, but now they do! I'm absolutely terrified, but excited about it at the same time! If even a complete loser like me can accomplish something, no matter how small it may seem to other people, so can anyone else!"

That's it, really. That's pretty much the whole story, that's Mabit for you. And once again, I'm only able to type this right now because of you reading this text right now. You, who cares enough about a stupid porn artist that you'll probably never in person to read this until the end. You that is a part of those big numbers I'm kinda celebrating right now, a faceless "Yes, keep doing it" in a sea of "No, you should give up".

You're the reason I've come this far. I humbly ask you to keep allowing me to follow my dreams, but I realize that I've already got so much that I have no right to keep asking for more. Regardless of what may happen in the future, I'm already deeply grateful for those last few years.

But really. Thank you.



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