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Phew, we managed to survive 2017.

This was a really important year in my life, I was through my lowest point yet and managed to get back up. I'm thankful for it though, it made me stronger in the end.

Exactly 365 days ago I set my only new year's resolution as "Having fire in my eyes, just like the giants I looked up to" and that became reality in more ways than one!

I do feel a tiny ember now. Not too big or flashy but it's there nonetheless. I'll keep nurturing it so that someday it can maybe turn into a raging inferno.

I also was gonna do a full recap of the year, but nah. I don't think it's that necessary.

I'll just wish you guys a happy new year, I hope that in 2018 you may find success in the goals you set for yourself.

Seeya in 2018 guys <3




Thanks for all your hard work this year! Can't wait to see what you achieve in 2018! &lt;3