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Hey everyone

Yeah, if you've been following me the last few days you may have gotten the hint that I'm bringing this project back

I plan to be making this my main thing for at least the next couple of months. All assets I've previously created will be brought back and finally completed.

Every scene will be it's own little animation/video, it will contain the same kind of animations I released last year + a few other bits and bobs

I plan to release at least one new full animation every 15 days at first, adjusting that as we get a feel for the pacing

Everybody that's ranked Boar or above on patreon will get the next animation early. Meaning that if I post one new animation every 15 days, by the time the 1st one is made public they'll be getting the second one

By the way, I won't be starting work on them instantly as I've still got a couple of other pics I need to finish before that

And now that I've explained everything as best as I can, this is where you guys come in.

I'm not a creative guy, and unless you are content in seeing the same 3 or 4 poses in every single one of the scenes (As well as the same pokemen I draw all the time) I'm gonna be needing your help

So I'll be accepting as many ideas as you are willing to share with me. You can go absolutely nuts with them. Just keep in mind that the pose is gonna be viewed from the side and there are only so many details I can cram into pixel art.

Aside from that, feel free to tell me who tops, who bottoms, if they're pressed against some cardboard boxes in an unlit storage area, or receiving a sneaky handjob in a locker room. Go absolutely nuts

I'll be picking the ones I like the best that can be turned into scenes, and I'll be also giving you credit for your idea if you want

I believe that's about it. As usual feel free to ask any questions about this on the comments below. Nothing is set in stone and I'm completely open for suggestions


Pokebreeder New Scene Ideas

Feel free to answer this as many times as you'd like. I want to gather as many ideas for new scenes as I can! Scenes usually involve the Breeder + one or more characters, but feel free to break that mold to come up with more interesting stuff!


