DevDiary #21 2022.12.24 (Patreon)
Dear Patreons,
sorry for the long silence! This year was really ... something. A lot has happened and threw me, at times, off. But I'm slowly getting back to a routine which helps me working more for the game. I'll try to give you a bit more insight in specific content that will come with future updates.
For example with the new wardrobe, I will also remodel some older events that give you clothing. The skimask that you just found on the floor, will now have a nice little events with a bit of branching, giving it a bit more life.
I wish you all a merry christmas and amazing holidays! I hope you all get some rest from these tiresome times and a visit of the Hotel manages to get your mind off a bit.
Thank you all for the ongoing support! It really means the world to us. And also thank you all for the love you spread especially on Discord! Have a nice weekend and see you around!
Love, Purzelkraut