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The patch is currently uploading and will be availabe for Patreons of Tier Guard and Mistress shortly. In a week then for all! :) Here is the changelog:

There is no new content in this update.

Only bugfixes and mechanics.

-Added: Since you are able to join Group S but reach the end of content then, you can now travel back in time from Group S, keep on your adventure without restarting the game.

-Added: A hint on how and where to use the doll from Natasha.

-Added: A button to use the red ball on a random girl to make the decision more visible.

-Changed: Some UI changes.

-Changed: Shortened the shower scenes. The bad end with the "shower doll" is not escapable anymore but will only occur once. Reworked the shower in the background so it'll be easier for us to add more interesting things there in the future. ;)

-Changed: Changed more webms to mp4s.

-Fixed: Sometimes Moira wasn't in her room after Soris scene. She will now be there if you go directly to her.

-Fixed: A black screen that could be encountered when going showering.

-Fixed: Several occasions where the first name wasn't showed properly.

-Fixed: Several filenames for case-sensitive systems.

-Fixed: Several missing pics and videos.

-Fixed: A bug that you could meet Jaime on the floor besides his mail, causing to actually meet him twice.

-Fixed: Jaime will no longer run away, when you wear the collar of Group S. (For now.)

-Fixed: A bug where you could meet the mysterious woman more than once.

-Fixed: When started as female you still got occasionally the male dialog. (Note: Group S might still have bugs like that. Group S will be reworked in the future.)


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