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Now we see why they're afraid of this devil fruit awakening. 1 HAND AN ADMIRAL, THE OTHER A GOROSEI. You can NOT get more lethal than that!!!!


Pepe Carrasco

Its time boys!!! Thanks for the upload, love fam.




Let's goooo


No break as well, keep that streak going Oda

Marcel Müller

Yo I just came back from the store what a timing.


Yo, there's a lot of hidden information in this chapter🤯


You don’t have to eat the hot chip this week, but next week, when Zoro appears, he will definitely one-shot Lucci. Then, you’re gonna have to eat it! 😂


My dudes don't tell me Vegapunk's got an automatic voice recording to broadcast to the world when he dies, while he shows a live broadcast of Luffy one tapping a gorosei and admiral at the same time. WHITEBEARD VIBES YO This so called "big egghead incident that will go down in history" is starting to look like the day the strawhats and allies not only survive a buster call but also destroys one. How much better can egghead arc get fam


Here we goooo!!!


khan sees a massive 15 meter stone axe bigger than the vice admiral and assumes it is Nami LOL I love it


btw the giants didn't recognize Franky because his wanted poster is not Franky, I think it's the Sunny or something lmao


I'm pretty sure the end of the chapter is showing that Vegapunk is dying in the next few moments or dead already. The message is an automated recording, like a black box, and the heartbeat monitor appears to show Vegapunks vitals flatlining which seems to have triggered the recording. I think it's safe to say that the real Vegapunk in Sanji's arms isn't going to make it beyond the next chapter or so. That being said knowing Oda and his penchant for fake-outs we can't be certain, but I struggle to think of anyway he could convincingly write himself out of doing it nor would I want him to.

Hamza Abokar

Saturn feels less of a threat than kizaru for some reason 😅


Giants didnt recognize Franky coz he had the Sunny as his bounty poster lol


Vegapunk will finish Professor Clovers' speech and reveal the name of the Ancient Kingdom. Let's goooo!!!


17:00 to be fair.... Nami had an axe in her beta design

Saleem Ali

Luffy smiling in that panel, but you can tell from his eyes he's serious af. This is probably the scariest he's ever been. Also sanji says to VP "what are you smiling about?" VP probably knows his death is here, we see a heart rate monitor in front of the screen, it flatlined so he died and the recording started

Rayhan Ali

The Gorosei is more important to the world but Kizaru is defo stronger


Khan the uploads have been super consistent lately hopefully things in your personal life are starting to stabilize!


LIKE I SAID GEAR 5 IS THE GREATEST TRANSFORMATION MAN. Btw khan did u know theres a lot of people that were bitching about gear 5 in the last few chapters because it isnt "serious" and they said he was laughing when vegapunk was dying lol.. all them had to stfu when this chapter came out and they saw that last page


pretty sure someone will stop the vega punk's message at half , maybe kizaru . so im guessing only 50% of the truth will be told to the world .


Vegapunk actually told me what he's about to reveal beforehand & i can't hold my tongue any longer as the Government is already at my door: -the buccaneers were the people of the Ancient Kingdom (=the Ancient Kingdom was mentioned by Prof. Clover). -the TWO Strawhats (the one Luffy owns & the giant one at Mary Geoise) belonged to the TWO Kings/dual monarchy system which got broken by one of the Kings (=the first owner of Luffys hat), the second King was actually JoyBoy = the giant who was loved by the people of the Ancient Kingdom. -one of the Kings/first owner of Luffys Strawhat was trying to rule the Kingdom all by himself which lead to him making a pact with the ancestors of the nowadays called "Celestial Dragons" to overthrow JoyBoy's reign. -the Celestial Dragons were planning to completely cleanse the Ancient Kingdom and take that Kingdom for themselves (=blank centurie aka the "complete slaughter" of every single being that lived in the Ancient Kingdom). -this is where Zunesha got blackmailed into assisting them against JoyBoy which lead to the biggest massacre in One Piece. -the good people on JoyBoy's side had a method to turn their dreams/will's into DF's as a safety measure to get revenge on the Celestial Dragons even in the afterlife (=the DF's are the buccaneers "will" in physical form/their manifistation of their dreams & wishes). -the "D's" were a special group of people in the buccaneer race that were assigned to be the only people who can rule as Kings aka the "D", which stands for "Demigod/s". There will be more in the future.


HOLY FK Vegapunk is dead in the heart monitor ???!!!


What a crazy chapter, the panel that Luffy is grabbing Kizaru and Saturn is one of the coldest shit I've ever seen!


khan stuff caribou said was not out loud he was thinking to himself which is why it was grayed out


btw The Giants didn't recognized Franky cuz his Bounty poster is the Sunny Not his face LMAO


some of these vice admirals first appeared around chapter 1078 or 1079 and in this chapter we got their names


And if we remember, the reason the giants don't recognize Franky cause his previous bounty poster shows the Sunny for some reason