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The average rank E user scores more than 70 but my man got 10, so him surviving this all ordeal, im not surprised if people do not believe all this even happened in the first place lol. So the question is this, is there anyone else going through what woo is going through, like with the main menu, and why is it that he was selected.(obviously do not answer down below) im just curious. 





I just spent the last 2 days reading the Manwha again from chapter 1 to the end. I forgot some really great moments that happened and I can't wait to see it in Anime, especially Khan's reaction. If they do a season 2 and 3 I really hope they keep the high quality.


NO SPOILERS, ANIME ONLY: Khan, if you think about it, it makes sense. Secret quest was: Courage of the Weak. He was the weakest and the most courageous. This was the only way to complete the quest, at the last circle if someone left the door got more closed. Meaning the most couragous could stay while others left. There was their leader who were willing to stay, but he wasnt the weakest. I think that would not proc the quest. These are my 2 cents.


Khan what if we set a daily quest for you to react to a certain number of episodes and if u dont do it, u get a penalty and your ass gonna be going for a long run too lol. but jokes aside this was a nice world building episode... better than the manhwa for this part imo since manhwa didnt focus on the story as much for this bit

Uzumaki Khan

Believe it or not i was thinking of that, but also believing that solely can not be the reason right? If it is, then being weak definitely has its benefits lol. Then im assuming since he’s the weakest then no one else is going through the same thing. He can be a monster once all this is done then, without a necessary 2nd awakening

Uzumaki Khan

Lol you guys can say quintuples everyday or other mammoth tasks lol. Yh i really enjoyed it, tbh it was needed, ep 1/2 were just horror without any depth, this was much needed

Uzumaki Khan

Yh tbh im surprised seeing many ppl that read the manhwa to this say the anime is doing a superb job, normally its always the opposite. Soothing to know tbh. Hopefully it continues to deliver

John Yoo



not really fan of the pacing, i was expecting it to be a bit faster compared to the comic, at least for the beginning but hey it is what it is, the animation is great tho


30 minute reactions to me feels like he likes an episode less, but 1 hour reactions to a 20 minute episode makes it sound like he loves it hella much


I think it's still considered a second awakening since he can get stronger. The mana machine gave him a 10 because he hasn't used his skills point yet.


NO SPOILERS, ANIME ONLY: THIS EPISODE!! Khan this is a shame u not noticed that my pic is makarov dies standing episode 309 THATS WHY SOLO LEVELING IS SO EPIC! The Main Character is badass! SOLO LEVELING FOR THE WIN!

Uzumaki Khan

You had one chance to spoil me on anything and you chose fairytail. Enjoy being blocked fam👍

Bohemian Chap

What a SCUMBAG. I've never seen someone try to legit spoil like this in real life, its so low level. Pathetic human beings man. Think they need to visit the 'Smiling Dude' in the Dungeons..Good riddance. Khan so much more epicness to discover. Love.


The animation is way better than how solo was looking in the previews. Music is on point as well. I'm glad this is so far looking to be a decent adaptation of the source material.

Saleem Ali

This loser really PAID just to spoil Khan, how much of a fucking loser no lifer can you be holy shit. ☠️


So cool having Khan active in comments, and then we have this guy over here that has nothing better to do with his life than to pay for patreon and spoiling just to get blocked instantly. What a loser. If he pays to spoil just for a moment he just starves for that tiny attention, since nobody gives him any attention irl, so best thing is to ignore him, and hope that he will grow up one day.


Loving the animation so far. I have read the manhwa but i forgot everything so it is almost new experience for me.


lol I genuinely want to know why you would spoil fairy tale out of all things