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Im sure majority of you's seen clover but if by chance someone has not and see's this...WATCH BLACK CLOVER...THIS ARC HAS TAKEN A COMPLETE 180!!!



I'm only up to episode 100, but I feel I didn't enjoy it that much for the amount of time I put into it. I forgot most of what happens apart from some major things. Would any of you say it's worth continuing at this point?


ep 116 has end credits scene


To all the people asking for bleach in the comments, I want to let you know that we had a bleach reaction just 4 days ago. Do you wanna know when the last hero reaction was? Should I tell ya? September 13th. That's right. Get back in line mfers.


4 episodes of that hero today 👌 thank you Khan!


I especially loved the Victory scream from fuego and mereo after their finisher punch. it perfectly represents their both wildness. And their squad titel als Crimson LIONS. that scene was so good