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hearing that "whats up youtube uzumaki khan here" always gets me grinning like a mf and all giddy


Monkey Deeeeeeeeee😭


The last panel is a throwback to when shaky said Rayleigh was 100 times stronger than the strawhats. Love it!


Fun Fact For Khan! Rayleigh kicks Kizaru: Issue 39 of 2008 Luffy kicks Kizaru: Issue 39 of 2023 Exactly 15 years apart. 511 & 1091 were both titled after Sentomaru. One introduced him and his relationship with Kizaru to the story, and the other tested their bond.


There is like.. no way that crocodile is a woman lol

Gian Pacayra

Khan: She's bleeding.. He fuckin fingered her

Jens Halvardsson

okey khan let me explain so yes theres a theory that crocodile is a female from the begining becouse ivankov and crocodile have a past together. The theory goes that ivankov changed crocodiles gender and in the story ivankov says to crocodile something with like , do you want me to tell everyone your secret?