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Don't care if i put this question up before after 1074 i ask this again.



Would love to see you decide after u watch all of it😂😂😂


worst arc


Enies Lobby and Marineford (and so far Egghead) clear imo.


sabaody is my fav... wano not even top20 for me


Great arc...but definitely way too long and could be trimmed down a bit. Also wasn't a fan of all the jumping around during key fights on Onigashima. That being said, it definitely has some of the best moments of One Piece in general.


Maybe not the best but certainly my favorite arc. I also think there are so many iconic moments that it doesn’t have sense to at least not be in everyone’s top 5 at least.

Kyle Burrola

Definitely my favorite. The Scabbards were amazing. I loved Zoro’s solo mission. Gear 5. Momo’s character development. Oden’s flashback. All the Onigashima fights. Law and Kid fighting Big Mom. Yamato in general. I know a lot of people dislike how long this arc was, but that just made it all the better for me. After all, we’ve been teased about Wano for a long time. I was happy we were here for so long. 10/10.

Tom Horza

You could remove 50% of wano content and it would still be pretty bland.. also it is lacking so much potential. For example Kaido... He was built up to be close to invincible, and that was never properly explained imo (yes he has a powerful fruit I know). There was also very little to explain his motivations and personality (the fact he’s suicidal, an emotional drunk etc). The brief flashback did not do him justice at all imo

Saleem Ali

Kaido wasn't stated to be "Invincible". Just extremely strong and he met those expectations. And regarding his motivations, Its not outright stated but the writing is on the wall. Kaido is depressed and lives an unfulfilling life where he craves a challenge that is never coming, he said how boring it is. He craves an epic death that he thinks will fulfill him. Perversely, trying to kill himself is the only thing that makes him feel alive. Not everything needs to be straight to your face, you can conclude from observations and dialogue. I suggest you watch the YouTube video "Kaido: One Piece's Greatest Villain" anyway, I know for many people, Kaido is at least the most ENTERTAINING villain to watch fight against Luffy